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Weak students must be supported – Mahama

DISSAPOINTED MAHAMA2 President John Mahama

Sun, 4 Sep 2016 Source:

President John Mahama has said conscious efforts must be made at assisting weak students in the country so they could achieve at least, a credit mark, during examinations.

Speaking at the Oguaa Fetu festival at Cape Coast in the Central region, the president called on chiefs and people of the region to probe the seeming fallen standards of education in the area.

“There are pockets where performance remains disappointing, there are also once top performing schools that seem to have suffered a deterioration in recent years. On the other hand, we’ve also recorded disturbingly poor performances among some candidates in some schools and considering that parents, government and teachers have invested so much money and effort in the training of students, this certainly should be a cause of worry.

“Our task, therefore, is to ensure that we sustain the excellent performance put up by our top students while at the same time supporting our weakest students to achieve at least a credit in all the subjects they present for exams,” Mr. Mahama noted.

The call by the president comes on the back of the recent controversy over the pass rate of students of last year’s WASSCE.

The president is on record to have said students under the current three year SHS system are doing better than those who did the four year.
