
Weather Forecast

Sun, 24 Aug 2003 Source: GNA

Weather will be remain cloudy, dull. - Meteo.

Accra, Aug. 24, GNA - The Department of Meteorological Services, on Sunday says the weather will remain cloudy and dull with widespread misty conditions this morning in southern Ghana. There is the possibility of occasional slight rain over the forest and mountainous areas in the afternoon but the night is expected to be quiet and cold. Northern Ghana will be very cloudy this morning with thunderstorm kicking off just over few areas by late afternoon.

Early morning hill fog is expected over southern Ghana tomorrow. Minimum and Maximum temperatures in degree Celsius during the period are: Coastal Areas; between 29 and 21, Forest and Mountainous Areas; between 31 and 20 and Northern Ghana; between 32 and 22.

Source: GNA