
Weather Forecast: Partly cloudy over southern Ghana

Tue, 8 Jul 2003 Source: GNA

Accra, July 8, GNA - The Meteorological Service Department on Tuesday said it would be partly cloudy over the southern part of Ghana with light rain or drizzle over few coastal stations and rain showers or thunderstorms over the forest and hilly areas this morning.

However, the afternoon will be mainly sunny with isolated thunderstorms over high grounds but the night would be cold and humid over the coast and rain showers elsewhere.

The Service stated that Northern Ghana would be cloudy with scattered thunderstorms or rain showers this morning over the Upper West Region, becoming sunny in the afternoon with thunderstorms over few places tonight.

The weather temperature in degrees Celsius valid from 6 hours today to 6 hours tomorrow as follows:

Maximum Minimum

Coastal Areas 29 23

Forest and Mountainous Areas 32 20

Northern Ghana 31 22

Source: GNA