
Website For Ghana's expatriate community

Fri, 30 Apr 2010 Source: -- - May 1st, 2010

In the likes of Dubai (, Paris ( or Shanghai (, Ghana now has its own online portal dedicated to the expatriate community. Underscoring the potential growth and continuous stability of Ghana, as well as its prominent position in West Africa, the creation of caters to the country’s expatriate population - a large, diversified and continuously growing community. This trend will certainly remain, in part due to Ghana’s up-and-coming oil boom. is a dedicated and comprehensive social and information online media aiming to be Home to and the communication point for all members and groups of Ghana’s expatriate community. To serve the expatriate community, is organized around three pillars:

 services & assistance, where expatriates access reliable relocation & business services, general & urgent assistance, relevant resources & links, including a “How to” Guide for newcomers and residents;

 social interaction, with a list of expatriate clubs & associations, site Members creating interest groups that others can join, a listing of activities & events & a social calendar fed by Members and the Editor;  continuous information & exchanges, with community news from Members, the Editor’s Blog, Members’ Tips, a dedicated Forum & classifieds.

All content is produced and managed by Ghana-based expatriates for expatriates. Site access, membership, assistance, resources, listing of events, and classifieds are free of charge, with some content & many features reserved for Members. is the brainchild of its editor, Claude Charronneau. Living for over 20 years in the US, Burma, Switzerland, Rwanda, India, Cameroon and Libya gave Claude an extensive experience in the life expatriates lead. In addition, his diverse professional background in private sector, embassies, and NGO’s helped him gain insight into those lifestyles, as did his multiple social involvements within successive expatriate communities. Just recently in Burma, Claude was Editor of the Newsletter EXPAT NEWS and organizer of monthly expatriates events. Claude said: “Developing’s concept and building the website was a great experience, and the reactions from expatriates and advertisers alike confirmed the need for such media. There are many expatriate communities in Ghana but a common point of communication was missing. Furthermore, the numerous expatriates moving to Ghana or already residing here had no access to a comprehensive source of information, advice and services.”

“’s social concept, comprehensive content, strong community appropriation format, investment in development, Search Engine Optimization and extensive launch plan should answer the needs of expatriates in Ghana” he added.

The project doesn’t stop here: content will be continuously developed and updated and new features will be regularly added, such as travel and restaurant sections with Members ratings. _______________________ ____________________________________________________

For more information, please contact Editor Claude Charronneau at +233 543 565 159 - -

Notes to Editors: URL format is that of all the leading expatriate websites of large capitals around the world: is published by Rebarnight Ltd, incorporated in Ghana  Editor Claude Charronneau is available for interviews  Find attached a high-resolution’s logo and a photo of the Editor

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