
Who are you? You can just make noise but can't stop me - Atik blasts Miracles Aboagye on radio

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Sun, 17 Dec 2023 Source:

An exchange unfolded on Peace FM's Kokrokoo on December 14, 2023, when Atik Mohammed, a former General Secretary of the People's National Convention (PNC), and presidential staffer Dennis Miracles Aboagye clashed over the controversial lithium deal between the Ghana government and Barari DV Ghana Ltd, a subsidiary of Atlantic Lithium Limited.

Atik, an opponent of the deal, during his submission, argued that the mining agreement must yield significant benefits for the people of Ghana.

He emphasized the importance of thorough prospecting to determine the quantity of lithium and ensure the country maximizes its benefits.

He challenged the government's assertion that the value of lithium remained unknown, pointing out that understanding the commercial value was essential before finalizing any deal.

However, some of his comments did not sit well with Miracles Aboagye, who was defending the government's position.

He disputed Atik's claims, leading to a back-and-forth.

Miracles Aboagye insisted on interrupting his co-panellist at a point, causing the show's host, Kwami Sefa Kayi, to intervene.

Sefa Kayi asked Miracles Aboagye to let Atik finish his submission before interjecting. Miracles Aboagye, however, refused, asserting that he couldn't allow Mohammed to continue making unfounded remarks.

Atik Mohammed, visibly frustrated, questioned Miracles Aboagye's attempt to silence him, asking, "Who are you? You can just make noise but you can't stop me."

Read excerpts of their conversation below:

Atik: First of all, I am happy Miracles has mentioned that he hasn’t had the time to read about the issues, so it is understandable. However, some of his arguments, for want of a better expression, are a bit simplistic.

I find his metaphors a bit too straightforward, but let me begin from the end. He has said some people have models, but Chairman models only make our lives easy.

Everybody knows that mining is capital-intensive, but the returns are higher, and this is common business logic; the higher the risk, the higher the returns.

So, if you invest in something risky, then it means that the prospect is high, and every businessman must understand that. So, if the government is trying to justify why we should protect the interests of the investors to neglect the Ghanaian interest…

Miracles: But you can say that.

Sefa Kayi: Let him finish.

Miracles: No, I can't let him finish.

Atik: What did I say?

Sefa: You can’t let him finish?

Miracles: Yes, I can't.

Atik: Who are you?

Sefa Kayi: Why? What has he said?

Miracles: He said I am trying to protect the interest of the private people.

Atik: Is that what you heard?

Sefa Kayi: No, but that is not what he said.

Atik: He was not even paying attention; he was fidgeting with his phone. You just heard something and it pricked you, and you wanted to interject. You didn’t hear what I said.

Miracles: So, does it mean that you were not talking about me?

Atik: No, you can't even tell me that you can't let me finish. Who are you? You can just make noise, but you can't stop me….so, before you mine, you have to do prospecting to know the commercial value of that concession.

This argument is that they don't know the value of lithium, that is why we are rushing for them to come and pay. Have you ever seen a mining lease that is signed post-mining? Post-exploitation. Every mining lease is signed before exploitation.

So, whether we are demanding this or that, it is for them to accept, and that is the basis on which they will get the lease. If they won't accept, then they won't get the lease; it is as simple as that.


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