
Who is Huawei? Double or Nothing

Video Archive
Mon, 2 Mar 2020 Source: Huawei Technologies (Ghana)

In order not to die as a company or an organization, continuous learning and innovation is critical. This trait coupled with the strong will for survival is what contributed to the Huawei we see today.

Huawei made some bold decisions in the early 1990’s including importing consultants from overseas to investing in new unpopular technologies which almost put the company out of business.

What did these bold decisions mean for the tech giant? How crucial was the learning process to Huawei? What sacrifices we made? Most importantly how did they pay off and how is that unique attitude impacting Huawei Technologies today?

In order to answer the questions above, watch WHO IS HUAWEI? DOUBLE OR NOTHING? This is a short video documentary produced by the BBC with focus on Huawei’s activities in the 1990’s while throwing more light on the organization’s learning processes and expansion into Markets abroad. Enjoy!

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Source: Huawei Technologies (Ghana)