
Why did GBA attempt to stop us when lawyers are spewing lies – Asiedu Nketia

Johnson Asiedu Nketiah Ndc Chairman

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 Source: peacefmonline

The General Secretary of the ruling NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has stated that the basis for the assertion that only lawyers must comment on the on-going election petition trial in the Supreme Court is flawed because it has come to light that some of these learned professionals also spew lies about the court proceedings.

“If you remember, the Ghana BAR Association and other groups came out to state that commentary on court proceedings must be left for only lawyers to do because they are professionally trained to do so. Now, God has unclothed lawyers, despite with a law degree, if you are not truthful, then you are not truthful. If you are going to tell the truth about the case, it would have nothing to do with the fact that you are a lawyer.

“…So as I sat in the courtroom and heard the Judges condemn some lawyers for misrepresenting the court, I asked myself why then did some people attempt to stop us(with Sir John) from commenting on the case?” General Mosquito questioned.

He made these comments while giving his take on the word of caution issued by the panel of judges sitting on the on-going election petition, to lawyers representing the parties involved in the case not to misrepresent events as they transpire in the chamber.

Lawyer Abraham Amaliba, a member of the NDC legal team was, however, was singled out for his utterances outside the court by the bench.

President of the bench, Justice William Atuguba, warned that there had been too many instances of inaccurate reportage about the court proceedings.

Speaking Asempa FM, General Mosquito further opined that some of these lawyers who misinterpret court proceedings are quick to “brand some of us, as liars when they see their strategy is not working”.

Source: peacefmonline
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