
Why waste our time with 100, 200 cedi notes when you know we’ll use the ECO? – A Plus asks govt

A Plus New 1.png Kwame A Plus

Tue, 31 Dec 2019 Source:

Founder of The People's Project (TPP), Kwame Asare Obeng, popularly known as A Plus, has lambasted government over what he describes as a complete waste of the tax payer’s money and time.

Reacting to news about government’s readiness to accept a single currency for all ECOWAS countries, he quizzed why the ruling party saw the need to introduce new currencies into the system if they knew they would eventually drop it for the ECO.

He was even more awed by the fact that government took the decision particularly after they have pledged to improve the lives of Ghanaians.

“Government says by 2020, we will be using the ECO currency. 8 countries will be using that currency. You knew you would eventually agree to this but you went to print 100 and 200 cedis, burdening the country’s economy and yet they are able to say ‘there is no money in the system, when you know it is very expensive to print money.”

He further bemoaned the inconsiderate attitude of politicians, especially of the citizenry who devoted their time to voting and making them who they are today.

“They are the reason people say there is no God, does it make any sense? You say there is no money in the system and yet see what you do. A pregnant woman will stand in a queue to vote for you and after you think of getting bullet-proof curtains for parliament, if this is not wickedness, what is it?

…they are not thinking about the next generation, they are only thinking about how they can win the elections and people must rise up against this.”

The solution, in his opinion, is to consider an alternative outside the two big parties when voting in the 2020 polls.

“The only time Ghana will move on is if we rise up against NPP and NDC. Is Ghana for the NDC and NPP?”

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