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Woman in Mahama's welcoming party dies

Sun, 1 Jun 2008 Source: GNA

Tamale, May 31, GNA - An unidentified woman among a group of NDC supporters on their way to welcome Mr John Dramani Mahama, Running Mate of Professor John Evans Atta Mills, the Party's flag bearer died while others sustained serious injuries when their vehicle was involved in accident on the Tamale Kumasi Highway.

Dr Ken Sagoe, Chief Executive Officer of Tamale Teaching Hospital told GNA that three others sustained compound fractures and were in critical condition while others had multiple fractures and needed urgent attention.

He commended doctors and surgeons for swiftly responding to their duties to save lives and gave the assurance that efforts would be made to ensure they received urgent attention and appealed to relatives not to panic because everything was under control. Meanwhile, the hospital premises, was that of grieve since party members, sympathisers and family members who thronged there were wailing and struggling to catch glimpse of the accident victims. Mr Mahama last Friday began a nine-day tour of the Northern part of the country. 31 May 08

Source: GNA