
Women urged to take active part in district level elections

Mon, 15 Feb 2010 Source: GNA

Agona Swedru, Feb 15, GNA- Mrs Rose Bimpong, Deputy Central Regional Women Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has advocated the need for women to take active part in the forth coming District Level Elections.

She said the involvement of the women in such elections could serve as a stepping stone for them to become abreast with the trends in modern politics.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview at Agona Swedru, Mrs Bimpong noted that women continue to play a significant role in the country's political development and it was important to encourage them to get to the highest level.

The District Level Elections would be held in August this year. She called on government, non-governmental organisations and foreign donors to prioritize the support of women's activities in the areas of politics to assist them to contest both the District Level and Parliamentary elections. The Deputy Women Organizer said "because many women do not have sound financial positions, they decided to stay aloof and eventually relegated to the background".

She therefore suggested to the political parties to start putting in place measures that would encourage their women's wings to present themselves for political appointments.

Mrs Bimpong said many women could be appointed as ministers when there is enough number of women in parliament. Mrs Bimpong urged the government, parents and other stakeholders in education to take steps to address the issue of girl-child education in the country to enable many women to be educated up to the tertiary level. 15 Feb. 10

Source: GNA