
Work on second fire station for Takoradi stalled

Fri, 5 Jan 2007 Source: GNA

Apremdo(W/R), Jan. 05, GNA - Work on the rehabilitation of an abandoned six-classroom block near the Apremdo Market and conversion into a second fire station for Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis has come to a standstill due to a misunderstanding over the ownership of the land. Authorities of Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) are claiming that the building and adjoining lands were handed over to them by the Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly (SAEMA) while the original landowners claimed they were not aware of any plan to convert the property into a fire station.

Briefing Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Sekondi on Friday, Nana Ekow Abban, Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Western Regional Commander of GNFS, said the contractor working on the project expected to be completed in February, this year was compelled to suspend work due to the dispute.

Nana Abban said location of the proposed fire station was ideal and would serve Kwesiminstim, Apollo, Apremdo, Anaji and other surrounding communities to ease the pressure on the Western Regional GNFS and in addition, serve as a backup.

Nana Yalley Ezie II, Gyaasehene of Apremdo said the plan for the Apremdo market included a Police Station, a Day-care centre, a bank, fire station, post office, a security wall and a place of convenience. Nana Ezie said it was improper for SAEMA to release the building and lands to GNFS without the people's consent.

He contended that the site for the proposed fire station was for a course for horseracing but was released to the Second Infantry Brigade Group for a temporary structure and should have been reverted to the landowners instead of SAEMA.

Source: GNA