
Workers Contributions Must Be Used To Benefit Workers – CPP

Mon, 18 Jun 2007 Source: Convention People’s Party

The Convention People’s Party (CPP) has signaled yet again its commitment to re-connect to its traditional constituencies, heartlands and affiliations. At its June Forum in London the main topic was “ Do Workers Have Security In Today’s Ghana”.

The CPP gathering noted that the security of the worker goes beyond subsidies, unemployment and sickness benefits or other social services, although the party recognized the need to cushion those who cannot be gainfully employed or face social misfortune.

The Chairman of the Branch Nii Armah Akomfrah told a packed meeting hall that prior to Ghana’s independence, there was no universal social security scheme in the country., that the compulsory savings scheme of 1960 was the first attempt at developing a social security scheme with a national scope of coverage, and was replaced by the social security Act No. 279 of 1965, under which coverage was extended to all establishments employing five or more workers . This scheme was to be converted to a pension scheme after five years i.e by 1970. Mr Akomfrah added however that the crucial element for a worker’s security is assured employment., that it is important to him or her to have a steady job than to get handouts when he is unemployed. He said a worker would want to ensure that his sons and daughters are educated and trained so that they too can take up regular and profitable employment, and that he or she can look forward to a small pension. The CPP Chairman said this is what guided the CPP’s development policies of the past and guides the CPP now in developing policies for Ghana.

He said the CPP understands that Government must ensure a particular level of economic development to assure workers of regular employment and a steadily rising real income, so that they have self-respect and self reliance. Government must safeguard the ability of the Ghanaian bread-winner to earn, Mr Akomfrah said

“CPP policies were thus not in vacuum but coordinated policies affecting the lives of ordinary people”.

“A policy of Full Employment for example was aimed at just such a purpose” Mr Bright Oduro-Kwateng – Vice Chairman of the CPP Regional Branch in his turn said workers statutory rights have been eroded in a dogmatic quest to attract investors at any cost and for unwarranted profits, that workers in recent years have become concerned about the adequacy of benefits currently provided and the qualities of the services provided by SSNIT, the body established by law to administer the State pension scheme in Ghana.

The Vice Chairman said further that given alleged misuse of the pension fund with fears that the State pension scheme could become insolvent at some point in time, resulting in members’ entitlements not being met, “Workers Social Security and Other Contribution Should Not Be Used for Things That Do Not Benefit Workers”.

The meetings conclusion on the topic was that Ghanaian workers today live in fear and insecurity, fearful of losing their jobs, concerned about adequacy of their pensions, worried what will happen to them and their families should they fall ill, and concerned also about the future of their Children, - “will their graduate sons and daughters be ever gainfully employed?, “what will happen to their children who cannot go beyond JSS or SSS or for that matter the proposed Junior or Senior High.

The meeting debated a number of other issues including the CPP’s impending Congress and the need to ensure that new generation leaders elected must believe and follow the Parties ideology of Nkrumahism.

The gathering welcomed the Steering Committee and the Executive Committees decision to transform its 6 Standing Committees into Directorates.

Forward Ever! Backward Never!!!!

Communication Directorate Convention People’s Party (CPP United Kingdom and Ireland)

Source: Convention People’s Party