
Woyomegate: Trassaco Estate Owner Hides In Italy

Sun, 26 Feb 2012 Source: The Herald

Impeccable information reaching The Herald suggest that the Italian-born

Ghanaian, and owner of the luxurious Trassaco Estate, is currently stuck in

Italy for fear of been arrested over the Alfred Agbesi Woyome, judgment,

debt scandal, upon arrival in Ghana.

While some said Don Ernesto Taricone fled the country to Europe when the

Woyome issue started brewing as result of his connection to Waterville

Holdings (BVI) and Micheletti, a top official of one of his companies told

The Herald that though his boss is in Italy, he is only there to seek

medical attention.

The official, who called The Herald into a meeting at a location in East

Legon recently, did not specify which health condition sent Don Taricone to

Italy to seek treatment and when he will be back in Ghana.

The officer, however, expressed doubt over Don Taricone’s involvement in

Micheletti, but was emphatic that ex-President John Kufuor and his family

has nothing to do with the plush Villagio Estate Apartment at Airport West

in Dzorwulu, where Mr. Kufuor has his hotel and private residence.

He said there is no documentation to prove the ex-president’s connection to

the Villagio Estate Apartments.

Don Taricone, according to police insiders, is needed to respond to nagging

queries as to whether he, indeed, had a contract with the Government of

Ghana, and, therefore, entitled to the over 38 million Euros payment, which

was started under the Kufuor regime after it unlawfully brought in Shanghai

China Corporation.

There have been claims that Don Ernesto Taricone’s Waterville and

Micheletti companies, which were reportedly awarded part of the

construction of the stadia used for CAN 2008 tournament in Ghana, were not

legally entitled to any monetary compensation as they did not have a

contract with the State.

It was argued that there was no binding contract between the two companies,

which were represented by ex-Ghana Bar Association President, Lawyer Kwame

Tetteh, and the Government of Ghana to warrant the payment of compensation.

The Herald has, meanwhile, gotten access to a phony website on the internet

believed to be for Waterville Holding British Virgin Island (BVI) Limited.

The website does not convey any serious message about a

company which has creamed over 38 millions of Euros from the government of


Some have even suggested that the Waterville Holding (BVI) Limited might

have been cleverly established as a money laundering vehicle by Don

Taricone, and past officials of the Kufuor regime to stash money away in

foreign banks.

Waterville Holding (BVI) Limited at the website did not specify its office

location. It has no telephone directory, and there is also no named officer

to reach in the event of wanting to do business with the company.

It mentioned that in 2004, its total annual turnover reached $ 373.5

million with assets property of over $ 1billion. This interestingly reveals

that the website is not been updated.

A portion, titled organization, has beneath it Board of Directors, Managing

Director, Company Secretary, Treasure, Financing Committee, Technical

Committee and Local Development Committee, but none of these had names

attached to it, thus making it difficult to trace who are the real faces

behind Waterville Holding (BVI) Limited.

It listed agricultural scheme, commercial estate development, residential

estates development, sports and health, energy and tourism as its fields of


Below are other details extracted from the Waterville Holdings website.

The only way by which Don Taricone is connected to the Waterville is that

some of his companies, namely; Trasacco Estate Development Co. Ltd. and

Royal Aluminium Systems Limited have been listed as partners of the


Rather strikingly, Micheletti and Villagio were not listed as partners to

Waterville Holding Limited. The name Don Taricone was not at the site as

owner or as a director of the company.


Waterville Holdings (BVI) Ltd offers, directly or through its associated

companies, a wide range of services which include:

Feasibility study, Design and construction, Supply of materials and

equipment, Estate services, Planning, Engineering and Controlling,

Management Consulting, Planning and Development, Financial Support

It also listed its key success factors as the holistic approach to project

implementation. This includes scope, time, cost and quality management. The

motivated team of experts, with high skilled competences and a strong

target oriented attitude.

Vision and Mission

Our vision is to understand the future needs of the developing countries

and to ensure that all the activities reach the highest quality standard

for their benefit.

Our mission is to identify and undertake feasible projects. To generate

opportunities for investments and development through the provision of

capital and management skills and to ensure accurate country development.

Management Team

The Management Team is made of high qualified Entrepreneurs and Managers.

They come from various fields of operations: finance, engineering,

consultancy, university, energy and from different Nations but they all

have the same target: to give the maximum added value for the benefit of

the projects.

Project and Development

ADOM ORCHARD (2005 new Acquisition) Farmland

600 Acres of land dedicated to pineapple cultivation

Empire Builders Ltd Estate Development

456 Acres designated to Residential and Commercial estate development

Sant Agata Agricultural Property Ltd Farmland

52’000 Acres of land dedicated to pineapple, banana, and other agricultural

sheme development

Sant Agata Agricultural Property Ltd Tourism

2’103 Acres of land designated to develop tourism








Partners // General Contractor



• Fossano Futura Srl


• MAZZI Impresa Generale costruzioni SpA

• Service Team SA

Partners // Factory

• FABI – B.R.M. Ltd

• FABI Ltd

• I.P.C.P. Ltd.

• International Steel Construction Srl


• Royal Aluminium Systems Ltd

• W.A.I.D. Ltd

Other Services


• AFTS-American Foreign Trade Services


The only means of contact with the company for any information is to

“please send your request to:

More to Come from The Herald

Source: The Herald