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Woyongo is a danger to the State – Dr. Baah

Dr Richard Amoako Baah KNUST Starr Head of the Political Science Department - KNUST- Dr Amoako Baah

Fri, 10 Jul 2015 Source:

Head of the Political Science Department of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Dr Amoako Baah says the comments of under fire Interior Minister Mark Woyongo and his subsequent attempts to justify them makes him a threat to the security of the state.

He says though the comments by the Interior mMinister were in bad taste, he will be surprised if President John Mahama sacks Mr. Woyongo.

According to him, whoever continues to call for the dismissal of Mr Woyongo will be wasting his or her breath as President Mahama has always remained lethargic whenever he has to take action against his erring ministers.

Mr. Woyongo in an interview on Ultimate FM in Kumasi justified the dreadful acts of violence by the ‘Azorka boys’ in the elections, saying ‘violence begets violence’ and that the assault was in response to provocation.

There was pandemonium in some parts of Talensi when groups such as the “Azoka Boys” and “Bolga Bull Dogs” aligned to the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) respectively attacked persons they suspected to be working against their interest. In the event, several people sustained injuries while properties were damaged.

Speaking on Kasapa 102.3 FM’s Si mi so show on Thursday, Dr Amoako Baah roundly condemned Mr Woyongo’s unfortunate comment, adding that such utterances should not come from someone in charge of the country’s internal security.

“Mr Woyongo’s comments are in bad taste, he is a danger to the whole country. His subsequent justification of his earlier comments makes it even worse. Knowing President Mahama’s for his “yentie obiaa” attitude, it would be difficult for him to sack Woyongo”

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