
YAC launches ‘Education as an instrument to curb teenage pregnancy’

Yac Launch Members of YAC with some staff of Imam Khomeini Islamic School at the launch

Thu, 22 Feb 2018 Source: Nabahel Rex-Oneal

Young Achievers Caucus (YAC), a not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation launched “Education as an instrument to curb teenage pregnancy” in Cape Coast on December 14, 2017.

YAC, established in 2012 by group of vibrant and concerned youth in the western region of Ghana, as part of its Grassroot Developmental Project chose Imam Khomeini Islamic School as the grounds for the campaign.

The headmaster in collaboration with the teaching staff of the school embraced the idea and contributed massively to the success of the campaign.

YAC ensured full participation of the pupils and the parents since they were the main anchors of the campaign. The kids displayed an awesome Cadet performance, Choreography, poetry recital and drama to portray the agenda of the day.

After Nana Yatel the chief of Amamoma has appealed to the parents and teachers to give special attention to the pupils and not to remain unconcerned to the teenage pregnancy among youth, Miss Rosaline Akonor, the President of the group demonstrated the urgency to curb teenage pregnancy in the region.

She said “YAC channels resources into providing women and children in the deprived communities with the necessary skills and tools, through the organization of sustainable and development oriented activities- engaging them in reproductive health education, supporting them with donations, training them in small scale businesses to help them support themselves and their families.

Miss Doris Anaglatey, an executive member of YAC and the main speaker, failed not to blame both parents and teachers for contributing immensely to teenage pregnancy in the region due to their negligence.

She urged all parents to take advantage of the free education system to enrol their wards especially girls in schools, emphasizing that girl child education is of relevance to YAC, the community and the nation because teenage pregnancy is possessing our young girls in the deprived communities.

Miss Doris resorted to the records by the Ghana Statistical service that, over 20 percent of teenagers ranging from 13 to 19 years in the central region have given birth, making central region the highest teenage pregnancy rate for the past few years in Ghana. Fishermen, small scale Miners and Teachers were spotted to be the irresponsible impregnators.

“What then is the direction of our young women?”, she asked, “we are failing to educate the whole nation because we are failing to educate our women”.

She expressed her fear in the future of the societies and the nation because we are failing to see our children as the main treasures of our country Ghana. Miss Doris rhetorically asked the parents and the teachers that “who among you would not be proud of seeing their daughters and pupils become medical doctors, ministers, lawyers, engineers and teachers in the near future?” she pointed out that some parents are depriving the future of their wards by engaging them in street hawking and child labour just for their own selfish ambitions.

Miss Doris finally urged the pupils to also take caution no to fall prey to the canker, she said that they should avoid bad company, desist from unhealthy advices and report any predator or suspect to their teachers, parents or the police at all times- this would help them remain focused to their future goals.

Miss Rosaline finally voiced out “You are unique and special so you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. Believe in yourself and NEVER GIVE UP!

Source: Nabahel Rex-Oneal