
Yaa Asantewaa’s 95th death anniversary marked

Yaa Asantewaa Cropped7 Queen Yaa Asantewaa

Thu, 20 Oct 2016 Source:

A special memorial ceremony was organised yesterday to mark the 95th

 anniversary of the passing of the legendary African warrior and Queen Mother, Nana Yaa Asantewaa in Seychelles on October 17, 1921.

The memorial ceremony was organised by Ethiopian Airlines, in collaboration with the Seychelles ministry responsible for culture along with the National Archives.

The ceremony which took place at the National History Museum was to officially pay tribute to Ghana’s Queen Mother and fearless African warrior, Yaa Asantewaa.

As Queen Mother, Yaa Asantewaa was highly respected and wielded power within circles traditionally dominated by men in her country.

At the close of the Asante Civil War, which took place between 1883-1888, a council of elders met to plan their attack on the British colonialists who had captured the Asante king.

Seeing that many men were scared to carry out the plan, Asantewaa, one of the few women in attendance, denounced the men’s lack of courage and called for the women to rise up.

Her powerful words challenged the men to fight under her leadership in 1900 in the historic war of the Golden Stool, the last major war led by an African woman.

She was captured and sent on exile to Seychelles where she died on October 17, 1921.

Yaa Asantewaa was said to have been born in 1840. She was a successful farmer and mother, an intellectual, a politician, human right activist, a Queen and a leader.

She promoted women emancipation as well as gender equality. She was the sister of the Ruler of Ejisu (Ejisuhene) Nana Akwasi Afrane Okpase, an ethnic group in present day Ghana.

To date, Yaa Asantewaa is honored in Africa as one of the greatest African women. Her body was later returned to Ghana were she was given a befitting burial. A school, ‘Yaa Asantewaa Girl’s Secondary School’ was named after her in her honour.

In a worldwide competition organised by the BBC Focus on Africa Programme at the end of 1999 to select the African Personality of the Millennium, Yaa Asantewaa placed 20th out of one hundred nominees.

Queen Mother Saa Pognaa stated that such powerful women should be known around the world for their heroic life, of always fighting for what is right.

“On that day, October 17, 1921, the Warrior, Queen Yaa Asantewaa from Ghana passed away; she arrived in Seychelles, where she was exiled to, on June 22, 1901. We have come here to honour her memories, and remember her passing.

Since her death no one has come to remember her legacy, however, they have taken her remains back to Ghana and she is remembered in Ghana. When she died she became a Saint, in our tradition in Ghana, we must offer prayers to honour her death. She suffered for a nation against the British,” she said.

Today, the story of Queen Mother Yaa Asantewaa’s courage and leadership is taught throughout primary schools in Ghana as an inspiration to young girls.”
