The boat disaster has led to the death of six children
The President of Friends of Rivers and Water Bodies, Nana Dwomoh Sarpong has criticized what he says is a lost of safety with regards to transportation on the waterways.
Interacting with Fiifi Banson on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.5 FM Nana Dwomoh said the recklessness of boat operators has become a source of worry which have in many instances contributed to the high spate of accidents lately.
His comment follows Sunday’s boat disaster on the Volta River that resulted in the death of six children, when a canoe, carrying 67 persons capsized after hitting a tree stump. Three other passengers remain unaccounted for.
The Pru District Security Committee (DISEC) will meet Tuesday May 31 to deliberate on ways to prevent another ferry accident, including plans to remove tree stumps in the water body.
But Nana Dwomoh Sarpong berated officials such as the Ghana Maritime Authority,Volta Lake Transport Authority and the Navy for ignoring the enforcement of safety measures on the waterways
“What have we instituted to curb the carnage on the water ways? we don’t need the talk shop- there must be safety checks to prevent these accidents. The operators are not supposed to drink, but they’re always intoxicated on shore. It is also expected that the boat should be serviced periodically- that is why the big boats have the dry-dock where from time to time they take the boats for routine checks and maintenance. They’re also supposed to get the best of navigation devices to boost transportation, but all of these things have been ignored culminating in the needless accidents we see these days.”