
Yilo Krobo MCE, MP rally citizens to pool resources to give Akutunya station a facelift

The cutting of sod to begin the construction of the Akutunya lorry park

Tue, 11 Apr 2023 Source: Michael Oberteye, Contributor

Construction works on the age-old Akutunya lorry park at Somanya in the Yilo Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region have begun as efforts to raise funds for the project get underway.

The bare spacious facility which previously served as a major lorry park for various transport activities now mostly host various social, cultural, political and religious outdoor events. As part of efforts to give the space some facelift that will befit its status as a major event grounds, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Yilo Krobo, Eric Tetteh and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for the area, Albert Tetteh Nyakotey are leading a citizenry-driven fundraising campaign to raise funds for the first phase of the project.

The citizenry is being called upon to contribute handsomely towards funding the first phase of the project projected to cost some Gh₵1,000,000 (one million cedis) which is expected to be completed within six months. The second phase of works would involve the building of various stalls facilities around the park

to be operated on a build, operate and transfer basis.

Held under the theme, ‘Arise and let us build together,’ the construction works which involves paving the expansive Akutunya station has begun in earnest with the MCE and MP jointly cutting the sod for the commencement of works. Many individuals and organisations expressing their commitment to the project donated various sums between Gh₵200 and Gh₵10,000 as well as bags of cement and other resources with cement manufacturing giants, GHACEM donating some one thousand out of the required 5,000 bags of cement needed for the project.

Residents are also being urged to contribute at least one bag of cement towards the work. The MCE while expressing regret over the poor state of the station said the situation didn’t befit the status of the municipality and expressed confidence in the ability of the residents to pool the necessary resources to do the job.

Mr. Eric Tetteh after cutting sod for the commencement of works in an interview stressed on the need to undertake the development of the place.

“This is where all activities are held; festivals, church programmes, Assembly events but the place is not nice,” explained the MCE.

According to him, rallying the residents to pool resources together for this purpose was in the right direction as the Assembly was already overburdened with lots of demands from various sectors including health, education, sanitation and hence, was not in the immediate position to upgrade the facility from its own resources.

He was hopeful of the ability of the Akutunya Paving Committee to exceed the needed funds being raised for the job. On his part, the MP for Yilo Krobo, Albert Tetteh Nyakotey stated his commitment to contribute his quota towards the development of the constituency.

“My work is to help develop the constituency so any initiative that is development-oriented that I can support, I’ll support”, said the lawmaker.

Describing the poor state of the park, he said, “look at the way the lorry park is, it is one of the places that many visitors would come, it doesn’t befit us so I’m going to support it and I’ll support other initiatives too.”

Chairman for the Akutunya Paving Committee, Rev Father Bright Kennedy Ohene Agyepong expressed satisfaction at the response given the project so far. He lauded the unity amongst all sides in raising funds for the works and called on all and sundry to donate their quota as government could not do it all alone.

With the committee mandated to solicit for funds for the successful execution of the project, the committee chairman expressed confidence in successfully mobilizing the required resources for the execution of works in record time.

He said, “If people come on board as we hope, we could even do it less than that, so for us we’re doing this project in record time.”

He encouraged members of the general public to contribute in cash and kind such as quarry dust, river sand, cement, etc., adding that the committee would diligently account for all expenses made towards the paving.

Rev Father Bright Kennedy Ohene Agyepong also cautioned members of the community against stealing the materials dedicated for the project as culprits if caught would face the full rigours of the law.

Source: Michael Oberteye, Contributor