Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Information Minister
The minority in Parliament is standing by its demand for government to account for the GHC200billion cedis that has accrued to it since 2017.
The said amount is made up of loans of GHC80billion and GHC120billion in revenues.
Government has pointed to flagship projects including free SHS, Planting for food and jobs, one district one factory and one village one dam as the initiatives into which substantial chunks of these monies have been invested.
The information minister has also said development goes beyond infrastructure in response to minority’s demand for government to show the capital investment it has spent the monies on.
The minority in a rebuttal however says the projects being mentioned only account for GHC10billion out of the total amount accruing to government.
“For instance, in the three budget statements presented so far by the Akufo-Addo government, only a total of GHS 4.254 billion was allocated for domestically financed Capital Expenditure (less ABFA) and many of the NPP campaign slogans such as one village one dam, one district one factory and one million dollars per constituency would fall under this.”
“The same budget statements also shows that the total amount spent on Free SHS since 2017 adds up to only about GHS 3 billion. Teacher and Nursing training allowances paid so far adds up to GHS GHS 1 billion,” the group said
The minority also reminded the Information minister of the stance the NPP took whiles in opposition on borrowing for consumption.
Vice President Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia whiles in opposition gained notoriety for condemning what it said was the erstwhile John Mahama administration high expenditure on consumption.
The minority in its rebuttal said Kojo Oppong Nkrumah’s stance represents a uturn on the position the NPP took whiles in opposition.
“The effect of Dr. Bawumia’s claim then was that prudent borrowing meant pumping funds borrowed at high interest rates into capital expenditure and not consumption. At the time that he made this claim, the NDC under President Mahama had made the biggest investments in education, health, energy, roads, transport, communications, water, housing among others.”
“It is obvious that in the absence of any significant or tangible investments despite receiving more resources that other governments, President Akufo-Addo wants to make excuses and go back on the very things he and his party said in opposition about borrowing,” they stated.