Assistant Comptroller of Immigration, Francis Palmdeti
It has therefore warned registrants and staff of the Authority to desist from the act.
The Authority warned that an applicant will be liable to prosecution in accordance with Section 40 of the National Identity Register Act, 2008 (Act 750) when she/he is found to have provided false or incorrect information.
The Authority was reacting to a publication by The Finder yesterday in which two registration officers claimed that persons without the Digital Address are allowed to use a neighbour’s Digital Property Addressing Code to register.
A statement issued by the Authority and signed by Assistant Comptroller of Immigration (ACI) Francis Palmdeti, Head of Corporate Affairs of NIA explained that this is neither the law, policy nor the practice governing NIA’s mass registration exercise.
“Were this to be the case, it would be amounting to providing false information contrary to the applicant’s own declaration on the Application Form to the effect that, all the information presented for the registration is true and correct and that, all documents provided for the purposes of the registration are genuine.
“The declaration is signed or thumb-printed at the bottom of the Application Form,” it added.