Member of Parliament for Builsa South Dr. Clement Apaak
Member of Parliament for Builsa South Dr. Clement Apaak has written to the South-South District Assembly challenging its criteria for beneficiaries of the MP Education Fund.
The MP in a letter to the Assembly indicated that the role of the MP and the District Assembly is clearly stated concerning the respective components of the District Assembly Common Fund.
The Assembly had in a letter indicated that it would form a committee to vet the applicants and determine who would receive the support.
It was the case of the Assembly that the vetting would determine those who would be selected for the support.
However, Dr. Apaak questioned what law gives the Assembly the authority to decide the criteria for the selection of persons to benefit as beneficiaries of the education fund.
According to the MP his checks and discussions with other colleague MPs, the Minister of Local Government, Daniel Botwe as well as other experts have shown that the Assembly has no such powers to decide or determine the criteria for those who should benefit from the fund.
He said the Assembly has no legal or constitutional authority to purport to decide that the assembly forms a committee to vet applicants with regards to the MPs’ education support fund.
Because of this, the MP has declared that the decision by the assembly to determine the criteria on how the beneficiaries ought to be selected is thanks and void with no consequences or effect.
He has also told the assembly through the letter that he would present a list of the beneficiaries using the process he had used since 2017.
He further indicated that his office would publish the list of students and direct them to the assembly for them to go and receive the designated amount.