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Zain apologises to Osu people

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, Nov. 13, GNA - Zain Ghana, a telecom company, on Thursday extended their sincere apologies to the Chiefs and people of Osu for wrongfully erecting a mast inside the Osu Royal Mausoleum.

A statement from Zain Telecom Towers noted that the company deeply regretted the mistake, saying that it had no intention of disrespecting the traditional values and sacred monuments of the Osu people. The statement explained that the company hired the services of site acquisition agents to lease telecom cell sites for the company and one of those agents procured that spot.

"We were never made aware that this was a burial place, much more the burial place of the late chiefs and royals of Osu," it said. It said the company had ceased all operations in the mausoleum and intended to relocate the mast at the earliest possible opportunity. "We are investigating this unfortunate incident with the particular acquisition agent involved and we will take the necessary action," it said.

The statement reiterated Zain's respect for the traditional values of the people of Ghana and assured the people of Osu, in particular that as a sign of good gesture the company would support renovation of the Royal Mausoleum.

It assured all traditional authorities in Ghana that Zain placed high premium on the promotion of arts and culture as part of its corporate social responsibility and would not do anything intentionally to denigrate Ghanaian cultural values.

Source: GNA