
Zanetor is one of the finest mothers I have ever known - Jerry John Rawlings

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Sun, 17 Jun 2018 Source:

Former president Jerry John Rawlings has described his daughter Zanetor Rawlings as one of the finest mothers he has ever come across.

According to him, Zanetor Rawlings has a very unique way of reproaching her kids instead of lashing them when they misbehave.

Speaking with Counsellor Lutterodt on father’s day exclusive, the former President said parent must not be fearful but respectful when speaking to their wards.

“One of the finest mothers I have ever personally come across is Zanetor Rawlings. I noticed it in Iceland in my meeting with the children, in her conversation with them, when some of them misbehave, the manner she reproaches or rebukes them, oh Jesus he exclaimed. In our time we would have been lashed when we made certain comments.” He said

The former President eulogized his wife for raising up the kids when is work took most of the time.

He described her as “the greatest asset” in the home despite her busy schedules.

“Nana, my wife she’s been one of the greatest assets in the home, I didn’t really have that much time for the children and in spite of the fact that she was crisscrossing the country probably more often than I did, Nana still found the time and the opportunity to hold and guide these children well” He said
