Ghana Football Association Referees Manager Alex Kotey
The Refereeing Department of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), has successfully completed a FIFA/MA course for Referees Assessors.
The five-day course took place from July 30 to August 3, 2020, via video conferencing.
In all, 13 participants drawn from the 10 football regions of Ghana took part in the course with members of the GFA Assessors and classification panel also taking part in the course under the supervision of Referees Manager Alex Kotey.
Ghana’s Classification and Assessors panel is chaired by Executive Council member, Frederick Acheampong. The panel has retired FIFA referee Justice Yeboah and Emmanuella Aglago, another retired FIFA referee as members.
“I played a dual role during the course. Per the new GFA structure, it has become imperative that we train and develop our referees and also discover potentials,” Referees Manager Alex Kotey told the GFA Communications team.
“The Assessors will complement the technical instructors’ duties by assessing the referees to ensure, uniformity in the interpretation of the laws, consistency, development and unearthing of brilliant and potential referees both male and female and to also rank our referees,” Mr Kotey added.
Instructors who moderated the course were Ali Ahmed from Somalia, Jerome Damon, FIFA Development Officer for English Speaking countries in Africa and Alex Kotey, Referees Manager of the GFA.