Australian High Commission in Ghana
The Australian consulate in Ghana is advising its citizens not to travel to Ghana over what they describe as the country’s “anti-COVID-19 hostility towards foreigners”, among others.
Despite the growing admiration for Ghana which has been touted as one of the few African countries with a rather sterling management of coronavirus cases and a decline in the death toll, the Australian consulate has told its citizens to avoid attending large public events as "intercommunity disputes can turn violent in Ghana."
A travel advisory to its citizens intending to travel to Ghana tells and creates a rather different story and impression about the country’s current state with regards to health and general well-being.
The consulate, in what appears to be a rather grim depiction of Ghana has told travelers that “power outages may occur after dark which leads to crimes adding, that crimes are more rampant if the traffic lights fail”.
“COVID-19 remains a risk in Ghana. You may be quarantined or required to self-isolate with limited health services. Yellow fever, malaria and other insect-borne diseases are common, as are waterborne, foodborne and other infectious diseases, such as cholera, hepatitis, lassa fever, meningococcal meningitis, bilharzia and tuberculosis,” parts of the advisory read.
The consulate in a similar fashion said that HIV/AIDS is common in Ghana with medical and emergency services being very limited.
Meanwhile, some of Australia’s toughest coronavirus restrictions imposed in its Melbourne capital have been eased. Australia has had about 26,600 confirmed COVID-19 cases as at September 14, 2020 and more than 800 people have died.
See the full travel advisory below:
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