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Banks urged to provide customers with wallets and purses

Mon, 23 Jul 2007 Source: GNA

Kuntanase (Ash), July 23, GNA - A banker has appealed to banks and other financial institutions to provide their customers with wallets and purses to help prolong the lifespan of the new Ghana currency. Mr Seth Ankrah, Ashanti Regional Manager of ARB Apex Bank, said although it would cost some money in the initial stages it was the best way of protecting the currency.

He said some businessmen and women who transacted business with huge sums of monies usually carried them in bags and as such did not cause much destruction but those kept in pockets could easily be destroyed.

He was speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency during the 17th annual general meeting of the Bosomtwe Rural Bank at Kuntanase.

Mr Ankrah said as a result of the re-denomination exercise most banks have acquired new money counting machines that could detect fake currency and urged the public to be vigilant and examine the notes.

Source: GNA