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NIB poised to meet competition in banking industry

Thu, 11 Sep 2008 Source: GNA

Tema, Sept 11, GNA - The National Investment Bank (NIB) on Thursday said, it was poised to increase its operational performance to meet the competition posed by the new banks in the industry. Consequently, the Bank has moved from transactions banking to what it called relationship banking, as it also introduced new products "to meet the tastes of it clients". Additionally, the bank is to be hooked on to the Ghana Community Network (GCNet), or its parallel, called the Bandswitch for easy access to its data.

Mr Clifford Mettle, Head of Marketing and Corporate Banking of the NIB, announced at a forum in Tema that the reform formed part of measures to satisfy the directives from the Central bank, the Bank of Ghana, for all banks to increase their capital base. The forum was organised by the Tema Regional Branch of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry to introduce members to the new products of the bank.

Mr Mettle admitted that competition was rife in the banking industry, and it was necessary that banks changed their attitudes to their customers in order to survive the fierce competition. He said the Bank was making the customer its prime focus, to achieve what he called "customer led banking." Mr Mettle said the bank was offering two types of banking services-development banking and commercial banking and announced some of the new services as construction, warehousing, trade finance, equipment loans as well as documentary collection facilities and guarantee loans for businesses with large corporate organizations. Also, the Bank was engaged in the sale of passport forms and providing insurance policies.

"In fact, we want to create a bank, which would serve as a financial supermarket of banking services", Mr Mettle said, adding "our focus would be on what would trickle in by way of re-payment." The NIB Corporate Banking Head, who is also the newly elected Greater Accra Regional Vice President of the Chamber, advised the business community to desist from opening several accounts with many banks and rather deal with one or two banks to increase their financial strength to enhance their access to credit facilities. Mrs Victoria Hajar, Tema Regional President of the Chamber advised members to enquire and acquire knowledge of the various products of the banks to make it easy for them to access their services. Established in 1963, the National Investment Bank now has 27 branches countrywide with a capitalisation of GH¢ 43.5 million.

Source: GNA