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Amenfiman Rural Bank loses money in its strong room

Fri, 22 May 2009 Source: GNA

Tarkwa, May 22, GNA - Amenfiman Rural Bank at Wassa Akropong in Wassa Amenfi East District lost 42,203.05 Ghana cedis from its strong room through theft. Mr Vincent Agbetonyo, the Western Regional Crime Officer, told the Ghana cedis.

Consequently, he said, four security men including a police officer who were at post on that day have been put before a Tarkwa circuit court.

A shareholder of the bank, Mr Osei Kufuor, a bussinessman at Wassa Akropong, said the missing amount was "too big but the Management and Board of Directors do not want to tell the customers and shareholders." Sources at the bank have it that on the day in question the door to the strong room of the bank was left open which was unusual practice and this was interpreted to mean a staff of the bank had connived with the securityman at post to steal the money.

The Tarkwa Divisional Crime Officer Mr Nelson Asamani confirmed the story but he could not give the exact figure which vanished from the bank's strong room but sources gave the figure as 40,000 Ghana cedis. The Chief Manager of the Amenfiman Rural Bank, Mr. Stephen Ampong, also confirmed the story.

Source: GNA