
NPP Stalwart Retreats from suit against AG

Mon, 9 Nov 2009 Source: Media Excel

On July 2, 2009 Ray Kakraba Quarshie initiated a suit in the Supreme Court against the Attorney General and the BNI. A declaration that the decision of the Government to freeze the constitutional rights of NPP gurus and former public government officials to have legal representation when they are invited to national security facilities for interrogation is oppressive, capricious and arbitrary.

The AG filed a response and raised the following legal objections:

That Ray Kakaraba Quarshie's suit was in contravention of Article 33 of the constitution which provides clearly that any action seeking to enforce the fundamental human rights of a person must be initiated in the High Court and that it was wrong in law to sue the BNI instead of the Attorney General.

Now the Plaintiff has for a long time not attended to his action but has finally filed a notice of discontinuance saying that after having carefully studied the legal authorities cited by the AG in her preliminary objections he has taken the decision to discontinue his action in the Supreme Court.

Source: Media Excel