
Depositing money into your MoMo wallet is free – Telcos Chamber

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  • Hammer 7 months ago

    People come and deposit money and go home and send to their loved ones instead of sending at the agents... I will charge for deposit and nothing will happen..

  • Afua Iceland 7 months ago

    You try. Fool

  • herbafrik 7 months ago

    Goat! Don't you know they are charged anyway?

  • king mojo 7 months ago

    why should they send at the sgent? so that you can extort from them charges you are not supposed to charge. thieves. don't people get charged for sending money to through their own wallets? MTN should stop playing cashin comm ...
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  • Manyo Justice from Anloga in the VOLTA REGION 7 months ago

    Reporting that person will not help you it happened to me several times

  • king mojo 7 months ago

    I reported an issue of an agent who charged me 15 cedis for depositing 1500 in my own wallet to MTN and they didn't take any action. they only told me they are working on how to deal with that. i have stopped using momo and n ...
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  • Bazz 7 months ago

    If u don't pay,they will just tell u they don't have ecash, massa, u better pay and save yourself the hustle, otherwise u can waste all yr time walking from one agent to the other until u waste all yr precious time. Which pol ...
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  • Ansong Bernard 7 months ago

    Then they should give us money instead of us using are own money