
More young men dying through road crashes, NRSA raises concern

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  • Uncle James 7 months ago

    The NRSA is not proactive in preventing avoidable accidents in the country.
    You are only interested in statistics to run to the "roof-top" and announce it to the public.

  • Uncle Maurice 7 months ago

    Our leaders have failed us because they don’t value us. Imagine road accidents still happening in Accra, the capital and claiming over 30 lives. Can’t we have good working rail services to curb these things?

  • Fred Cree 7 months ago

    If your mathematics is bad don't write or analyse anything into public domain. The victims 18 years and above were described as young persons. 18 years and above include people aged 65, 75, 85 and you claim these are young pe ...
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  • Odumgya 7 months ago

    If you have illetrate drivers who cannot read road signs everywhere in the country,what do you expect?