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NPP wants government to drop 15% VAT on electricity?

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  • AI Iceland 7 months ago

    So no consultative meeting or stakeholders' before decisions are made. Oh Ghana because citizens are helpless anything goes...
    Like the collection of fumes levy, we will still be inhaling them till thy kingdom come, no solut ...
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  • Akpos 7 months ago

    The NPPparty has notified ghanaians that their government takes decisions without proper consultation. Jack Toronto's and co. Ltd

  • Ked 7 months ago

    Stupidity of stupid criminals. Who is npp and who is govt?

  • THEREALTRUTH 5 months ago

    They should have never started a VAT for some plants that operated like they are powered by C batteries...Always half ass service in everything. No lights, no clean water, expired medicine, baf health service, pot hole roads, ...
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