
Dapaah’s stolen funds: Court forced to adjourn case over lateness of lawyers, prosecution

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  • Accra is 7 months ago

    The thief, I'm the theif of the century my name is auntie ceci I stole a lot from government coffers but this time my cup is full

  • His Excellency The Ugly Dwarf 7 months ago


  • the Villager 7 months ago

    the usual old tactics and footprints, GO COME, GO COME and finally the case is thrown out

  • the Villager 7 months ago

    the usual old tactics and footprints, GO COME, GO COME and finally the case is thrown out

  • Mr Ibu 7 months ago

    So who stole the money?

  • Sayitlikeitis 7 months ago

    Smoke and mirrors!
    Use the media to distract the public's attention from the big thief to the little thieves

  • Esa 7 months ago


  • Bastie asantefourhene 7 months ago

    Asanteniibaaa Kronfour

  • 4 Year Old 7 months ago

    Oh beautiful Ghana!