
Records Ofori-Atta has broken as finance minister

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  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 7 months ago

    Congratulations to the Akyem Sakawa Mafia syndicates who historically think they are entitled to dupe Ghana.

  • Kollie 7 months ago

    This man and his cronies deserve to be libed up and shot by firing squad.

  • YSL 7 months ago

    He came to borrow just to enrich himself and his thieving serpent cousin.

  • Ghana is weeping 7 months ago

    Akufo Addo and Ken Ofori Atta have mortgaged the future of Ghana beyond the year 2060... Wow, unpresidented. Do we have intellectuals in Ghana at all? How did we get here where one family has plunged us this low.

  • Dan 7 months ago

    That's why the youth are all leaving. When you go to the embassies it's chaotic! What a disgrace!

  • OFORI-ATTAX 7 months ago

    Ghana's minster for international finance. Miserable Ghanaians have again naively sat there for the old dwarf to pull wool over their eyes. Now he will be in charge of fleecing Ghana, including the likes of the 12 million dol ...
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  • 1Kay from the Netherlands 7 months ago

    Saa nkwasia records wei. He should be ashamed. Ken Ofori Atta will go down as the worst and corrupt finance minister Ghana has ever had.

  • Gyatase 7 months ago

    He stole 50% of COVID money. He is the biggest thief in the world.

  • Bob P. 7 months ago

    Kwasia panyin Kwa.

  • Prof. Issifu, USA 7 months ago

    Just going down In history as the worst finance minister isn’t enough, he must be made to account for all the billions he borrowed. Where’s the money? He championed a stealing brigade.

  • Dan 7 months ago

    That's why they are imposing bawumia,so that this bugger would escape prosecution. Do you think bawumia can prosecute him? If you think so then you need your brains checked!

  • Richie 7 months ago

    His poor records speaks for themselves, truly the worst finance minister ever in the history of Ghana and soon to be the cause of NPP downfall

  • Kweku 7 months ago

    He is the only finance minister that borrowed in Ghana, idiots Ghanaweb andntheirnhabituak lies and false publications

  • Dan 7 months ago

    Hello kwaku, so and take you medication. You ate hallucinating!

  • Akufo Addo 7 months ago

    Kweku the apio you've been drinking has damaged your brain. Kwasia

  • MOSES 7 months ago


  • Boye/California 7 months ago

    Ofori Atta Almighty God will punish you and your family you have failed Ghana and put Ghana in a big Debt you will die before your time on Earth you and your useless Uncle Nana Addo will suffer just like how Ghanaians are suf ...
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  • The whole npp guys are career criminals 7 months ago

    @Boye/California.. president kufour is also a thief'. He gave out our oil for just pittance if u care to know. But who told u death is always a punishment? Rawlings died after just a short illness. He was not bedridden. Kufou ...
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  • Dan 7 months ago

    Yes,kuffour s confined to wheelchair, wears dippers and pads, to stop him wetting his clothes and sitting place. Akuffo addo too wears dippers,both are criminals .

  • Quophi 7 months ago

    you are a liar, the total debt of the Akufo Addo government is $11b as against John Maham's $39b.

  • NPP is SCAM 7 months ago

    @Quophi, hahahah you are funny. Eurobond alone, npp has borrowed $11b as against ndc $3b. Let alone those the npp borrowed from the Paris club, Chinese, IMF etc. Massa, go and come back wai.

  • Bawumia 7 months ago

    Quophi you really need a brain for yourself. Stupid fool

  • Kwasi 7 months ago

    You this guy is evil in NPP political party why?

  • JUDSON 7 months ago


  • Ry 7 months ago

    Ghanaweb, these days your news articles come with lot of errors.
    Please take a look at them before posting

  • Stanley W.A 7 months ago

    Very bad record indeed. Some people must be prepared to go to jail.

  • ELLEMBELE NYAMEKEH 7 months ago

    Finally Nana Just Wake up

  • Dan 7 months ago

    Another record to break, the first akyem mafia to go to jail!

  • Marculus 7 months ago

    That’s not all the achievements. He was the only finance minister who constructed more roads, more railway lines, paid more for free education, brought in more car assembling plants, more factories, paid for landing harbors ...
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  • Bob 7 months ago

    This is a Hell of a record this ugly useless individual.

  • Jim 7 months ago

    With this list of Ofori-Attas abysmal failures, which kind of a leader would want to keep such a person in his government? Unfortunately, Akkufo-Addo does not care and playing nepotism to the detriment of the country. Neverth ...
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  • KING GOLGOTHA 7 months ago

    U are very right.

  • Kontomponii 7 months ago

    Even though KOA is ‘entitled’ to some of the blame, the main culprit is NADAA.
    Much of the missing money can be traced to the CATHEDRAL.
    NADAA connived with KOA to siphon money away to complete his pet project.
    Any fu ...
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  • CRIME ALERT — Bastie is a SATANIC Homosexual 7 months ago

    CRIME ALERT — Bastie is a SATANIC Homosexual, and also, Bastie is a TERRORIST member of Alquedas, and ISIS TERRORIST Organizations

    NOTATION. The Public should report Bastie, the TERRORIST to Interpol, FBI, BNI, and Natio ...
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  • Kb 7 months ago

    NADAA just decided to pay Ghanaians badly to fulfill his alleged promise to his father. His father also plunged Ghana into economic crisis back in the days. It looks to me that, these cohorts only know how to talk big and agi ...
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  • Nana Ama 7 months ago

    Ken ofori attah now a billionaire whiles many Ghanaians suffer

  • Bompata Krukuro 7 months ago

    Ghanaweb lacks credibility of assessments.Folks any body can write nonsense as factual,but without dossiers,institutions and banks transactions to prove their authenticity.Ghanaweb is shameful fooling NDC members and supporte ...
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