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When did the rising deaths start?
Eiiiii NDC. Hehehehe visionless opposition party in Ghana.
I was hoping that the obese idiot would give some figures to back up his assertion. Gyimii saa!
Where is John Mahama's vision? That's what the voters are asking. They have heard Bawumia's and love it. Spare parts dealers, GUPTA, NUGS and so many groups have expressed their excitement of Bawumia's vision. Most voters und ...
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Ndc paa ne gyimie paa ooooh no
This NDC organizer needs neo plus or psychiatric evaluation.. Taking about economic hardship at current stage. Why can't he compares it to when Mahama was in power. Silly boy
They are dying because of their life syles.Imaginne a human being inhalling super glue
Then blame your party founder and his criminal followers who sold both Ghana and private industries and businesses and those that were not sold put padlock on it’s gates to rot and Mahama sugar factory and sugarcane plantat ...
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NDC was in power almost 30 years what have them do the answer is NOTHING so waiting for Mahama to come and solve Ghana problems is a big Liars, Mahama is more Corrupt than Nana Addo Kwasito period