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If you take a man to maternity don't blame anyone else for wondering why and being suspicious. You are the one who said 24hrs but we know you and we remember even 8 you could not do. My friend, stop apio drink because we no d ...
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Your write up is just a comic relief and so I will treat it with the utmost contempt it deserves,if in the next hundred yrs,any person from your family gets closer to even becoming a minister,you will go and fast and pray for ...
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Is that all that you say about 24-economy, brainy chap? Hahaha Ghana needs better people not foul mouthed fools
We don't waste tym on fools,u own a phone and data,unless u don't know what Google search is meant for,am not supposed to educate u on class one things,idiot,you can go to your basabasa free education,if u feel u nedd educati ...
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Any fools who vote for this idiot corrupt selfish dead goat of greed will surely curse themselves by divine authority as in Hosea 4:6, regardless of their status (educated, illiterate, rich or poor), unless the God of America ...
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I can strongly suspect by divine revelations that CIA gripped the economy of Ghana by using mind control weapons and directed energy weapons with plots to return that corrupt greedy dead goat of dumsor because all they want i ...
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Criminals of CIA did to Nkrumah with Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons to destroy progress. Now, if it happens again for the second time, most Ghanaians will surely curse themselves and Ghana forever by being f ...
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The number of people who will vote for the empty Bawumia will determine the number of fools in Ghana. How can you vote for someone who doesn’t walk his talk? We wait to see the fools in Ghana.
Excuse me. Were you a grown-up person between 2012 and 2016? If you were and you believe John Dramani is the best person to lead Ghana you are rather insulting yourself. Have you ever heard in our history the level of dumsor, ...
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And after eight yrs ur government couldn't prosecute or prove one wrong against him?Grow up ,u don't just talk out in a vacuum, everyone is saying so let me say some,it isn't smartness.Enviness and witchcraft,makes people's b ...
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Why is Ato Forson facing the court? Why is Collin Dauda facing the court? Abuga Pele was jailed but was pardoned on health grounds so, what the are you talking about?
Mahama's name was mentioned in the British parliament ...
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Look at the Pot calling the Kettle black. Mahama, we saw your performance. You could not even pay workers who worked for 8 hours. How many Teachers and Nurses worked for two and over years without being paid?
Mahama, your tr ...
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The corrupt and incompetent one's '24hr economy' is a shameful misnomer. The incompetent fool has fed on the tits of Mother Ghana all his life and so has no clue about how business runs. Since Ghana is an agrarian country, is ...
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Hahahaaaaaaa. Nkokɔbuo and nkɔnfɛm economy.
The drunkard is talking, 24 hour apio competition and lies
John mahama the nation builder, the next president of Ghana
Joe, stop being so sarcastic to JDM. Hahahahaha.
Dumsor economy?
Apuuu you govt official 1 koraa you do not even understand it yourself. Ashawo self dey work 24hr so what's visionary about this policy
That is why u Npp members will forever be jerks, because ignorance is killing you,lemme educate your head,Ashawo in the first place is an illegal job under Ghana's constitution,so it's an illegitimate job in the first place t ...
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You see how you're struggling to explain what a '24hr economy' is? Apart from the essential services like hospitals, police and such, NOBODY can mandate a '24hr economy'. Demand and Supply determines if an economy runs 24hrs. ...
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It's either you simply don't understand English or Npp has turned u into a fool,after what u read, that I explained in everyday basic English,what shows I struggled,?even an idiot can comprehend i really understood what I was ...
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You struggled to explain '24hr economy' as a CONCEPT. Understanding English has nothing to do with it.
In recent political discourse, the 24-Hour Economy message championed by corrupt, greedy, alcoholic, womaniser Gonja ghief and his gullible NDC followers has been touted by them as a groundbreaking ("game changer") concept po ...
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Oh, Mahama, why tickling yourself and laugh? If you think the npp is in disarray due to your ''dead on arrival ''24 hr economy slogan, then think again. You have a problem with yourself of not understanding your own vision. Y ...
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Keep swimming in delusional 24-hour economy. You'll surely see your smoothness level on December 7, 2024.
Hoh mahama lol...u urself u don't kwn what u actually mean by 24 hour economy...luck talk that's all
The 24 hour economy has been a trouble for NDC because they don't understand and explain it.
It's just a mere slogan and therefore must bin it.
What economics does mahama know when he has not been able to explain himself on this jss 24hr baloney of a flagship policy after so many invitation to him to do so publicly but adamantly and shamelessly yet to respond . Speak ...
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I don't think John Mahama is a serious person, I'm sure he drinks too much alcohol and it's having a terrible effect on him. How can a former president talk like this. His communicators are shamefully confused about the so ca ...
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Do you even understand what you are saying. When we have policies like Free SHS and free medical care for all.Yours is nkoko nketenkete.
The 24hrs economic policy is just NDC propaganda there is nothing to it
What a joke? You don’t even understand 24-hour economy. Ghana is not ready Kwaku Ananse stuff. We need those who can get us out of the hole but nah not this spurious policy
The 24hr economic policy is just propaganda by NDC there is nothing to it
I thought John Airbus Mahama after saying NPP is in disarray, will take his time to explain the policy to Ghanaians, rather it was the usual propaganda that NPP is misinforming Ghanaians. If this is what NPP
Is doing then y ...
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John Mahama paa.... Even 12-hour economy you couldn't manage. You can't fool the voters with your hoax 24-hour economy. You have nothing to offer Ghana, and the voters will confirm it in December.
Is Mahama serious?
Your 24 - hour economy is finding it difficult to get propaganda legs to stand on because your own people don't understand it. Nobody will give you the chance to come back and execute your four - year stealing spree.
Ashawos have been operating the 24-Hour Economy long before the greedy Gonja thief was borne.
Mahama you are living in your own fantasy world. It is a pity that you have not up till now realized that Ghanaians see your so called 24- hour economy as nebulous and impractical and not fit for purpose. Dream on, man.
Your useless policy which you your self cannot explain.
You guys should explain well what it entails no nkwasia slogans
Apuuutooo, this is not serious at all. He is a joker of the century.
24 hour gobe joints
John Mahama is the most useless president in Ghana because he is playing with the minds of Ghanaians
In disarray? What a joke. Mahama doesn’t even understand what he is proposing. If he takes his time to do his homework he’ll realise it’s much ado about nothing. If the demand for a product or service is low who needs t ...
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I want to know whether the Ministries,Departments and Agencies will be involved in this phantom 24hrs economy. Does Mahama truly understand what he is saying? Let's get serious
This is Mahama February jokes of the end of the month.When Minister of tourism announced the closure of the new renovated Nkrumah memorial park for additional implementation for 24 hours operation to reap foreign revenue for ...
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Kwasea, aboafunu John Mahama.
Give us a break what job have created for that foolish 24 hour economy. You have no clue what you are talking about. Both NDC and NPP are useless.
Apuu 24 Hour DUMSOR Mahama
But Mr Mahama, I don't understand the policy oo. Please, break it down into a simple form. Let's know how it will affect education, agriculture, roads and highways, etc. Please, don't give up, break it down and tell us how it ...
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You are day dreaming even your people don't understand what you said 10months into your elections not a single committee has you been able to form you are only going round waiting for DR BAWUMIA to form his before you could k ...
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This man is in his own dream land.
Mahama 's handlers should make sure he doesn't go near the bottle again. He can't even explain his own policy. Two yrs after your election as flagbearer, you haven't thought of anything. Wabon paa.
Tell us what is the 24-hour economy??? You don’t know yourself what it entails. You say something different, Asiedu Nkeriah say a different thing, all other NDC people don’t know what exactly the policy entails. That is w ...
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A proposal that you and your communicators cannot explain to Ghanaians, how can this cause another party to be in disarray. Talk about job creation, strengthening institutions to perform, healthcare, education and energy.
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