
We'll export nurses under my presidency to help solve unemployment – Mahama

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  • Dan 7 months ago

    What about adding value to our primary products before export? Think about that not only nurses. Is exporting nurses also 24-hr economy.

  • Hena Na Okum Mills 7 months ago

    We need help urgently not kolongo kaya mahatma. we know you

  • OSABARIMA MENSA 7 months ago

    King promise again with another whimsical promise. Does this incompetent man has any advisors at all. His next promise will be to re-invent the wheel. Gyimii saa!

  • Future president 7 months ago

    Why not build enough hospitals to absorb the nurses.
    What is the current nurse per patient ratio in Ghana?

    Our leaders are bereft of ideas.
    No hope yet. We are still searching for Nkrumah II

  • Barima otafreja 7 months ago

    Agree with you 100%. Why not build enough hospitals. Why not recruit them locally and try to achieve the WHO recommended patient/nurse ratio. Aah Mr ex president, are you coming back with such empty head again?

  • TAKE OR PAY DEMON 7 months ago

    But NDC complained when Nana sent nurses to the caribbeans.

  • Ghanaba 7 months ago

    Hehehehe eiii this man, export yourself first. This country is doomed.

  • Londoner 7 months ago

    I honestly believe that the ghost of Atta Mills is finally haunting this man, Mahama. Doesn't Ghana under Akuffo Addo have bilateral arrangements with some Caribbean countries so that Ghanaian nurses are already working there ...
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  • Thinking allowed 7 months ago

    Good idea

  • Doug 7 months ago

    Nurses are not commodities!!!

  • Josh 7 months ago

    Why can't some people think outside the box. Have you ever heard of the term Remittances?
    In Economics human resources can be likened to commodities. I know it may not be obvious to the uninformed

  • K’jei 7 months ago

    The issue here is, where are they going to be exported to, Cuba, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, and at what cost vs the remittances that would be accrued both in the short and long run?

    If they are going to be exported to t ...
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  • Joe Adanko 7 months ago

    Look at him this man! Already its happening

  • Kobby11_11 7 months ago

    Why won't JDM conveniently say this. Under your presidency, you couldn't employ them, and you know for sure you won't be able to do so in the unlikely event that you become president again.

  • apuuuu 7 months ago

    Modern day slave trade

  • Josh 7 months ago

    The most sensible thing to do. Thank God someone has their head properly screws on.

    Trained nurses can't be posted and we are complaining about nurses departure. Meanwhile, we keep pouring out at least 50,000 new nurses e ...
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  • KB 7 months ago

    Josh, the current government already has a bilateral agreement with some Caribbean countries to export nurses. When it started these same NDC people said the government having failed to provide jobs is now exporting them..... ...
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  • Teiko 7 months ago

    For almost 35 million Ghanaians,we don't have enough qualified Nurses as a nation.Nurses are not just raw commodities.Commonsense should enjoin you to enter into contract with consuming countries to defray the cost of trainin ...
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  • Bfk 7 months ago

    A clear evidence of a lazy man.So your 24 hour economy can't absorb the nurses?

  • Kweku 7 months ago

    Instead of creating job for them in Ghana you want to export them to where what about those places don't they have citizens, this is a man without vision when you are to build more hospitals and staffing them with your own ...
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  • dkc 7 months ago

    EEEish....export nurses? He has not thought about brain drain at all? Clueless

  • Bompata Krukuro 7 months ago

    Folks not long ago Mahama was complaining nurses doctors and teachers are seeking greener pastures abroad under Nana Addo and he will not allow them to migrate so what or why U turn Mr incompetent former president and opposit ...
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  • Eiii Mahama 7 months ago

    He can promise anything for your vote. Including arresting Satan.

  • Ato 7 months ago

    Instead of creating jobs for them, you are going to export them. What about teachers and the rest of the youth?

  • Bompata Krukuro 7 months ago

    According Ablakwa Mahama will never create jobs for the youth when he was addressing Deeper life ministry youth in Kumasi during incompetent Mahama reign.So don’t be surprised he will not create jobs for them.

  • Mubi 7 months ago

    Nana Addo government is already doing it. Masa, come out with something new. So you can't think of your own new policy after all these years in opposition? It shows John is a spent force

  • BB 7 months ago


  • Sage 7 months ago

    Infantile Stupidity.
    Mahama is a known Thief and an Incompetent idiot.
    Is this a Policy ?

  • KK 7 months ago

    Kwasea, when you stopped paying nurses their allowances, how could they have completed their courses or training for you to export them and chop he foreign exchange. Odwan
    Visionless Mahama

  • Dan 7 months ago

    Professionalized the Brain drain.
    Trying to dispose Ghanaians

  • Dan 7 months ago

    The man and for that matter NDC has nothing worthy to offer Ghana oooooo

  • Nii Adjei 7 months ago

    Maybe the medicare givers can have work in ghana, if we develop the entire healthcare system all over the country. So that the public healthcare will and can have the same quality as the private healthcare. So that the elites ...
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  • K’jei 7 months ago

    Great point!

  • Nonsense talks 7 months ago

    This man is visionless , he can’t think far on how to employ them inland

  • Slave Trade 7 months ago

    Export Human beings. What's wrong with Mahama



  • Abdeey 7 months ago

    John mahama new very well that Ghanaians like abroad or living in abroad, so he is only giving them what the nurses want to hear, just to win their votes

  • Osei Kwabena 7 months ago

    Do we export human beings? Come again Mr Mahama. Where are your advisors, Mr. Mahama? Can't you use another term to solve the unemployment problems? What did you do to nurses during your presidency? Please wise up?

  • Bas 7 months ago

    When you send all the nurses abroad who’s are you going to use for 24 hr econome. ?

  • Fuudian lomotey 7 months ago

    John Ford mahama kromfoo panin kwasiato like that ofui like mahama odwanfunu. The confident trickster John Ford drunkard mahama. The apio face mahama kromfoo techiamoah.

  • William HK Sorkpor --- USA 7 months ago

    A disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any political party in Ghana. I have nothing against former President John Mahama. I'm just a patriotic Ghanaian in the diaspora. With that out of my chest, I can now freely speak my mind ...
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  • Truth 7 months ago

    Agreed! Like Cuba

  • Barima otafreja 7 months ago

    Dear ex. President Mahama, please are you aware that the WHO has blacklisted Ghana and some 'third' world' countries as not having enough nurses and as such you cannot 'export' nurses. What Odwan funu must understand is that ...
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  • Fuudian lomotey 7 months ago

    Hey massa fa wo gyimii frihoko kromfoo mahama. Asiedu nketiah kuraseni kwasia mpanin

  • Africa 7 months ago

    Asem ooooooohhhh!!!!!!