
The biggest threat to family values is caused by side chicks and side dudes – Gabby Otchere-Darko on LGBT+

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  • Nobody 6 months ago

    They fear, because all the major institutions they have been borrowing from are all pro lgbt. World bank, IMF, UN, and the like. So they fear. The president is on a crossroad now, if he signs, problem, if he doesn't problem.

  • Nana Kwaku 6 months ago

    Not only that The Danquah Ofori Atta family are elitist who view their association with the West as civilisation.They are a backward unintelligent family whose future image is hanging in the thin air.

  • TRUTH 6 months ago

    What is this argument!

    I thought this guy is a lawyer.

    So Armed robberies are out and about so we should entertain 'pick-pockets'.

  • ALETSE GBONTON 6 months ago


  • Atuahene 6 months ago

    Who the mother fucker okyere gaby is?
    This is the will of 99.9'/, of Ghanaians
    The president should just sign the bill or ascap with his entire Ayem sakawa family and generations from Ghana, nothing less.
    Democracy means t ...
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  • £EARN, TRAIN, MAKE MONEY 6 months ago

    Perhaps so...We've cycled two months out of the year. MARCH FORWARD! The best business to do - or to sponsor a relative, friend or charitable gifting - is a service business, low capita(skill is your main capital). Earn cool ...
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  • Freewill 6 months ago

    God has patience with these demons. UN,IMF, WORLD BANK, none of them feeds any Ghanaian. None of them pays the salary of any Ghanaian apart from the top corrupt leaders. They should off.

  • Lazy man 6 months ago

    This is not a big deal. There are other institutions and countries which are anti LGBTQ we can borrow from....the bill must be signed into law...

  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 6 months ago

    I find it difficult to understand. Did this idiotically idiot Akyem Sakawa Mafia not tell us he has retired from politics after he and his scammer family duped us? Or is it the fact that his life seem to be in danger due to w ...
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  • Kay 6 months ago

    The Danquah Ofori Atta family cherish travelling to the UK so much that they view this law going to affect those trips.Since I got to know this family the only thing they ate good at boasting of is their ability to go to the ...
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  • irrelevant criminals 6 months ago

    No one needs your useless opinion you criminal. Clear out

  • Fool Again 6 months ago

    You never talk sense before. Keep crying m3333 m3333 like a goat. Siaaaa!!!

  • TT 6 months ago

    Yes side chicks and dudes activities do affect marital homes but nowhere do they expend funds in promoting it among others, neither do they hold promotional events to force their desires and interests in public nor do foreign ...
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  • Cee 6 months ago

    TT you are right and I agree

  • Che Andrew 6 months ago

    Will those vampires read TT's post? It sums up the whole debate. Who the heck do these perverts think they are? We should all succumb to their sexual perversion? Why are the western countries not interested in imposing sancti ...
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  • Lazy man 6 months ago

    Great mind..

  • Guv'ner 6 months ago

    Bcos 3 things are bad for you, you shouldn't stop doing any of them. What logic! And these are the people running the nation. God, please help us.

  • Donatus 6 months ago

    Real broken homes are in America, despite lgbt+

  • Mohammed Awal Tahir 6 months ago

    The prime minister has spoken

  • OGyam 6 months ago

    And, his opinion is about useful as a piece of turd with flies on it!

  • Batuta 6 months ago

    If Bagbin and his NDC Members of Parliament think that they can use a sentimental issue like LGBT to win the next elections then they are complete idiots. Most of the voters don't care what people do with their private lives. ...
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  • Black Stars must win World Cup 6 months ago

    @ Batuta. Stop eating faecal matter and toilet. It is affecting you. Stupid idiot

  • Cambodia 6 months ago

    Sick mind Batuta, like it or not the NDC will ascend power come 2024 like it or not..
    For Nana Addo has proven well enough that he is nothing but an overhyped human rights something something, he has plunged this country int ...
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  • Atongo 6 months ago

    Listen to this opportunist contradicting himself. On the one hand he says what the parliamentarians did reflects the will of the people they represent and on the other hand he says a culture of silence was created around the ...
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  • Batuta 6 months ago

    It is even possible that Andrew Solomon has been funding John Mahama's Presidential campaigns in the hope that he wins and create more space for LGBT activities in the country.

  • You are the Fool 6 months ago

    And won't you like it if John Mahama does as you are saying? So that your anus will overfloat with Gabby's sperms. Kwasea. How much is diapers now? Promotion Promotion Promotion. You are a proper pig. Your mother wai

  • Namo Gbe Mills 6 months ago

    mahatma start wear pampers no be today ooh. When he says look up please look down. This mahatma, boldly told all Ghanaians we don't like LGBT. Good but if he doesn't like them why sleep in their house? Threesome? Those things ...
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  • What 6 months ago

    These are the destroyers of our kids.
    I never thought someone like you will want to see the white man come to destroy ghana like they did to their own countries. It’s a shame on you to keep talking negative about this bil ...
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  • Shithole Country 6 months ago

    Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Russia have all banned this practice. I was hoping Gabby would have taught about this to support his arguments.
    We have realised he and his family talk about democracy when it suits them.
    Parliame ...
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  • Thief of Staff - Akosua Frema 6 months ago

    Very stupid and pro-gay commentary. Ugly, senseless, shameless, gormless, lawless, corrupt and primitive fool. Kwasiaa buuluubuuluuu.

  • I am disappointed at this Gabby guy 6 months ago

    I am disappointed at the particular person talking here. Passing the law doesn't mean they are now attacking LGBT people from house to house in Ghana. It is a law that has been passed. Them if you are LGBT you do things in pr ...
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  • Ahmed Barnor 6 months ago

    Divorce ur wife, disown ur children, go to USA and marry a gay. Ur stupid explaination are not necessary

  • Kwaku 6 months ago

    The side chick lifestyle is tolerated by polygamous societies. Do not judge us by the monogamous values of British society. We are not British and neither do we wish to be British. Confused dudes.

  • Kobby 6 months ago

    So the side chick and side dude lifestyle is acceptable because it supports proper family values, eh? What kind of logic is this? Or we don't care about the hardship and devastation this is causing to families in Ghana? I app ...
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  • Batuta 6 months ago

    Though LGBT is a sentimental issue, it cannot be a campaign weapon. Bagbin and his collaborators should look for ideas that can advance our society and not what people do with their private lives. We should rather educate our ...
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  • Abudu 6 months ago

    No wonder Gabby's jaws are like the jaws of a skeleton used as teaching- learning aid to medical students. The fool is having Monkey Pox which he contracted from Osafo Marfo. Upon all the billions of dollars he has looted ...
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  • Educate children? 6 months ago

    When this prime minister and his party are bringing homo materials at our blind side into primary school to teach children what education can you do? That's counterproductive and stupid comment. We will bring in law first the ...
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  • I knew it ...this guy likes the act 6 months ago

    I thank God we have parliament led by bagbin

  • Jotta 6 months ago

    Sometimes Gabby forgot he is living in Ghana and not Uk, we have Muslims and traditionalist in our country, Muslim are allowed to marry more than one wife, how will the get the second wife if it does not start from side chick ...
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  • Solomon Arthur 6 months ago

    This man is a liar and one of Ghanas Main problems,
    I don’t support side chicks or ducks but history has shown us polygamy never broke family values and cultures. As a Christian I don’t indulge in side chicks or thinks ...
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  • William Donkor 6 months ago

    "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman," said Yahweh, El Shaddai. If you do not obey the voice of YAHWEH, EL SHADDAI to observe carefully ALL His Commandments and His statues...Cursed shall be in the city, and Cursed ...
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  • Kwadwo Ahene 6 months ago

    Can Ghana suffer the consequences. A poor man is always controlled by the rich man. All government decisions are made in the white House and Number 10. The MPs are only thinking about their pockets. Some people are saying ...
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  • OSAFO KANTANKA 6 months ago

    What is this Gabby guy waffling about? Has he been able to find just one beneficial thing about the practice of unnatural sex practices? We KNOW that Sex between Male and Female is for PROCREATION. So what does this U ...
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  • Hey 6 months ago

    One day, one day, this thief will be busted.

  • Hospital Blanket 6 months ago

    No, no, no, Gabby; you got it totally wrong. The biggest threat to family values is caused by people who don't honor their part of contracts, especially not paying people who work for them and leave the dependants hungry and ...
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  • Ghana baa 6 months ago

    This is what you get when you choose to elect people with white mind to lead people with black mind.. this guy is simply an ignorant about rights of people but they claim they are fighting for some so call right... Well to th ...
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  • Achakanapaya . The ship is moving. 6 months ago

    Nonsensical. Nation wreckers.


    Massa Gabby.You are absolutely right about consequences.Even good choices,excellent choices can have consequences.The ability to choose right over wrong in spite of potentially painful consequences is what sets Men of princip ...
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  • Loyalist 6 months ago

    Gabby sometimes your opinions are borla. If moral values have already been tarnised by side chicks and side dudes and we are struggling to put it back, why do we have to add LGBTQi+. You will return every cent you have taken ...
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  • Truth 6 months ago

    Did you hear that side chicks cause brimstone and anger from have heaven? Gyae gyimi no!
    If we make economy better for us most of these side chicks by circumstances will change

  • Bongo 6 months ago

    This gay boss is aware that NPP MPs are gays. He knows it. I still don't get how they can be silenced. They should have voiced out their stand. Naniama!! NPPigs!!!

  • Ajoo 6 months ago

    Wow!!!! These people are only thinking about their pockets and not the nation. Why would you even say that knowing very well this is evil.It’s a big NO!!! All the aids you have been collecting where is it? You only enrichin ...
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  • VILLAGE HEADMASTER 6 months ago

    Ghana my motherland. all of us are proud of dis contri but we hav some judases who are eveready to betray Ghana for so called friendship. Days are coming when some Ghanaians will be made to answer for some money they stole fr ...
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  • Igp 6 months ago

    The biggest threat to democracy in Ghana n is for Akufo Addo not to sign the bill. The democratics will face a whipping beat from Donald Trump and the republicans in the November elections. The polls point to a direction of T ...
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  • Nana Addo 6 months ago

    Gabby shut the up. No Ghanaian wants hear from you and you still don’t get it. The only thing Ghanaians are expecting from you is to vomit the so called PDS and the fucking Agyapa consultations fees.

  • Nana Addo 6 months ago

    Gabby shut the up. No Ghanaian wants hear from you and you still don’t get it. The only thing Ghanaians are expecting from you is to vomit the so called PDS and the fucking Agyapa consultations fees.

  • Foli Foli 6 months ago

    The consequences of every action or inaction are there for humanity to get through with their lives and choices. It does not mean that when we go slow on the anti LGBTQ bill there will be no consequences for us all in this co ...
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  • Lazy man 6 months ago

    Side chicks break hone because we have refused to accept polygamy. Also, the culture of silence prevailed on your NPP MPs due to the potential economic sanctions from the western world...Odwan use your brainless head ..

  • Kwame 6 months ago

    In the name of the right to conscience, someone must go to court over the Banning of Etrokoshi, somewhere in the 1990s.
    These people don't recognize our right to conscience.

  • Brother Kay 6 months ago

    You are right. The West was criticizing female genital mutilation and rightly so but now the sexual mutilations in transgender is far worse.Double standards if you ask me.

  • Cambodia"88 6 months ago

    But why has this family allowed a deviant and an aberrant act and lifestyle of a member, Paul Danquah, the only son of JB Danquah, a known gay and a homosexual throughout his life become a new standard and culture of this Aky ...
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  • Brother Kay 6 months ago

    Most ‘big’ men in Ghana have side chicks but this hasn’t affected their families. Serwaa Broni didn’t destroy the president’s family! Come again, sir.

  • Nana Kwame 6 months ago

    Why? Are the gays angels who will prevent God's blessings from reaching Ghanaians? Are some Ghanaians already not experiencing the harsh realities of socio-economic life in Ghana? How bad can it get? Is it going to be as bad ...
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  • WEBSITE NOW GHANA 6 months ago

    TRACK and MONITOR your vehicle (Car/Motorbike)on your phone/pc anytime with our Car Tracking systems. Shutdown engine remotely, Set geofence, Voice monitoring, etc. PRICE: GHS750. Visit:

  • Kweku- Kumasi 6 months ago

    Side chicks and side dudes, is 100x better than Trumu Trumu. Stupid idiot of a guy, Ghanaians will never forget the mess your family and your con Akuffo Addo NPP government have created. Fraud,419 and chop chop everywhere PDS ...
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  • John 6 months ago Opana ok?
    Or does he need some mental assessment ? Lol