
It is true - Owusu-Bempah confirms Nigel Gaisie prophecy about John Kumah’s death

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  • Rex 6 months ago

    Mo nono,always wanting to score undue marks from a prominent person's unfortunate demise,what is true? Attention seeking con artist,back off,the family are grieving and are in pain, don't come and add your bad luck to their a ...
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  • Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ 6 months ago

    Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ ++

  • Future president 6 months ago

    Jesus Christ!
    These azaa so called men of God won't give up.
    Which normal pastor will prophesy something that already happened months ago and well known by many people?

    There must be a change in the constitution to regu ...
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  • J0eY l0nD0N 6 months ago

    Stop being dumb.

    How come two deputies from same ministry were overlooked during the reshuffling exercise?

  • P Djamgbe 6 months ago

    The NPP as a party is the reason why there's a resurgence of this nonsense. The IGP almost abolished it and the NPP bigwigs were not happy so they ganged up on him and nearly removed him from office. After the general electio ...
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    When the true prophets of in the Bible foretold the future it was meant to serve as a warning to disobedient nations and people. If they repented the prophesy did not come true. Indeed, prophet Jeremiah made it very clear tha ...
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  • Eli 6 months ago

    Ghanaians open your eyes, the prophecy in December said the deputy minister would rise to the top then be clashed. John Kumah hadn’t risen, he was still deputy minister before his demise. How can this be a prophecy.

  • Teye 6 months ago


  • Kofi Agyeman 6 months ago

    The latest information from John Kuma's wife indicates that thos pastor was aware of the terminal status of John Kuma long before his prophecy so why should we believe him.

  • Dr. Allen Smith Jackson, UK 6 months ago

    The poisoning occurred in October and by November every party member knew what is happening to Kumah and everyone knew he won’t survive, and in 31 December this so called prophet use it as a prophecy, he thinks everyone has ...
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  • Ebena 6 months ago

    Mr big memory, this prophecy was made 2020 not 2024 so kindly stop attacking ndc folks

  • Stolen money without wisdom kills 6 months ago

    Why would a person take a sick person in a car drive for over 4 hours? Weren't there hospitals with good doctors in Kumasi? Sometimes we don't think clearly, they could have sent him to a hospital in kumasi for treatment and ...
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  • Gonzo Boy 6 months ago

    Braa nie, Nkwaseas3m nkoaaa! What prophesy?

  • M.T 6 months ago

    There's is no sensible way to justify these nonsensical prophecies. I'm not sure of what you claim to see but if indeed you see something about someone do you have to broadcast it to the whole world rather than meet the perso ...
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  • Samabakoma 6 months ago

    This incident happened far way back in October 2023 and the prophecy was in December 31. How can the prophecy be true?

  • Truth 6 months ago

    Prophecy is not only the future...... Check your understanding of prophecy...... The past, present and future

  • Kojo 6 months ago

    Ashok! fake things nkoaaa , they fish around for information and publish it as prophesy. Crooks!

  • Sly 6 months ago

    Azaa people nkooa...taking every advantage to put fear in people to dupe them .

  • Scamtorlogy 6 months ago

    Wise up a bit. Think small, drenched too much in deception. Do not be deceived and think it is what you think.
    This fake scammer is putting it up as if he has the powers to see into the unknown.

  • Nana 6 months ago

    Another fool. Nkurasefo!

  • Cudjoe 6 months ago

    NPP has been killing their people ever since Okutcre Bekueh former chairman who was poison St the airport in the 1970s these people can do anything for power and money

  • JAK The Ripper 6 months ago

    Why not wait for a scientific post-mortem report before attributing the cause if death to something?

  • Oyibo 6 months ago

    Oh Ghana, when? No prophecy for good things? These prophets should tell us time, day, month, year and place of their own deaths.

  • Kanewu 6 months ago


  • Guv'ner 6 months ago

    Can't you so-called prophets approach the person directly and avert whatever you claim you have seen? What is the point in making general vague pronouncements and later claiming "the person" didn't cooperate with you? Which p ...
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  • Nana 6 months ago

    They can’t avert kotoo. No amount of prayers can save a dieing person. The can go to the hospitals if they have any powers

  • Hayf 6 months ago

    They see nothing. They don't even know Jesus. They are politicians. They get information from cabinet meeting, tip off from friends and whistle blowers in key positions and publish it as prophecies.

  • You ll soon find out. 6 months ago

    How much will it cost to close down these noise making churches? Our Country is better off without the only evil prediction Pastors.

  • Nana 6 months ago

    Say it again. We need Ken!

  • Kk 6 months ago

    It will cost your life and sooner you shall experience it, foolish comment

  • Wumpini 6 months ago

    So some of these people wait when one ''big man is sick, then they take advantage and call it 'prophecy'

  • Yaw 6 months ago

    3nkwaseafuo no aka wonhon gyemie saa everywhere

  • Shit hole 6 months ago

    Gyiminii it only John Kuma who has died this year...or because of he is a minister why did you also predict the oman fm guy... ofui

  • Fiifi Acquah 6 months ago

    Another fake pastor , I scratch your back ,you scratch mine, a child bound to die would still die if even placed in the pocket or ampit of the pope , Psalm 139 says God knew us when we were not yet formed and he had planned o ...
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  • Peeved 6 months ago

    Charlatans jumping on the death of someone.

  • Nana Osei Jimmy. 6 months ago

    Another great and powerful Akan/Twi,Asantifour, Pastor and Prophet.

  • Skep 6 months ago

    A very sick country!

    The moment "we" solidified the Whiteman's religion as an integral part of our culture, customs, values, is the time God Forsake us. Religion isn't science; it's born from the womb of culture and nurt ...
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    So what ! Does this bring development to the nation

  • MARY MAVIS GYAMFIWAA 6 months ago

    Here they go again, prophets of death!. The only thing they do is work with spirits of darkness to kill so that what they claimed to have prophesied comes to pass.Shame on you all.

  • Revelation + Rationality = Truth 6 months ago

    Birds of the same feathers. Robbers and liars. Satan won't even employ them

  • Naa Sei 6 months ago

    Fake pastors who are full of exaggeration and falsification. Can Owusu Bempah confirm to us that he also had the same vision the night Nigel had his? Or Nigel loan him his prophetic eyes on that day? Please, let us enjoy our ...
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  • Shen 6 months ago

    Foolish man,Foolish journalist and Foolish media House= only in Ghana

  • Shen 6 months ago

    Only God knows best.

  • Jango 6 months ago

    A clique of thieves supporting each other's false claims to further prey on their gullible followers. This cabal of fraudsters will make false claims to every event that occurs.

  • Jango 6 months ago

    You are criminals. Only your gullible followers will take your lies serious.

  • Boldsteven to 6 months ago

    Owusu Bempah so you did not have a vision of your own and now you want to rely on Gaisie prophecy. You are a hypocrite and a liar.

  • naaba 6 months ago

    Useless and criminals so called prophets. Akohwifuo..

  • Foolish and idiots men 6 months ago

    These idiots are still playing like kids in this 2024 again. Funny how these waste foolish people call themselves men of God. Can these nonsense of so called prophecy stop in the country? These fake and foolish people again w ...
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  • Idiots 6 months ago

    Funny how Africans will follow these stinking idiots.

  • Agyimi fo) asofo 6 months ago

    Agyimi fo) no aka omo ho biom. Gyimie nkoaa.

  • Naa 6 months ago

    Mo nfi h), do you people have to wait till his death before coming out, and even giving out who did. Nsemfo nkoaa.mteeeew.

  • Adviser 6 months ago

    You prophesy but never suggest a way out of it. What then is the use of that prophecy???.

  • herbert, Sweden 6 months ago

    Arrest all these so-called prophets, who prophecise noinsense.
    We have had a lot from them, with their tricks.
    They are spoiling the image of Ghana.
    What good contributions have they done to the Nation Ghana? collecting m ...
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  • Kweku 6 months ago

    And so what? Ghanaians are tired of pastors always predicting the death of a prominent person in the country

  • Kwame 6 months ago

    Prophets for big men and women in society. They are special in the eyes of God. Hmm

  • What's all this rubbish about 6 months ago

    So does anyone expect us to believe that our Almighty God, the Omnipotent and creator will tell these quack seers that somebody will die ? What sort of trash are we witnessing in our part of the world.

  • Saeed 6 months ago

    The police should investigate all those who made public allegation about the cause of death

  • Yaw nketia 6 months ago

    Then is Nigel gaisie who has poison john kumah.

  • Toto Fitter 6 months ago

    These so called prophets in Ghana must be made to see a Psychiatrist.They are all fucking crazy.Death is a necessary end,it would come in good time.
    When would all the nonesense relating to prophecy stop?
    Parliamentarians,o ...
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  • Abusua 6 months ago

    The NPP killing machine is in motion.

  • Ex-Pope 6 months ago


    Quack pastor Bempah, what's true about a religious deception? All of you pastors and prophets are religious liars and crooks using ...
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  • Gborlahn 6 months ago

    And so what? Do you know what people who are not men of God see? Do you know what ordinary members of Church see that they do not even tell their pastors?

    Years ago I was walking in town and someone called me aside and de ...
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  • Taa wisie 6 months ago

    Debunk the belief in a supernatural power who created our universe. We evolved as species. The laws of physics and molecular biology can explain that. Nothing like heaven or hell. Take it or leave it our universe was not desi ...
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  • Forn 6 months ago

    With their fruits we will know them. They prophesie based on prior information.

  • D. Williams 6 months ago

    birds of the same feather flock together you are one of them you are not of the lord Jesus Christ you are all from the Prince of darkness.

  • Ama 6 months ago

    Can you so called prophets find the solution to Dumsor

  • Essel Mensah 6 months ago

    These so called prophets or prophetess are all liars, fake and azaa. There is no prophet anywhere in this our current dispensation. PERIOD