
Sankofa Series: This UG vice chancellor was appointed at age 39 after completing PhD at 30

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  • Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ 6 months ago

    Ghanaians say YES to LGBTQ+ ++

  • Kwaku 6 months ago

    You're an IDIOT!

  • Peter 6 months ago

    Great guy....very inspiring story

  • Who Killed Mills 6 months ago

    We don't have people like that anymore. Look at the gay woman prof. Instead of her doing good for the country she wants to lick pxssy

  • Attuquaye 6 months ago

    There is no University of Canada. Where did the writer get that from? These journalists are a disgrace to their profession.

  • H Aborbi 6 months ago

    Probably the journalist meant, a university in Canada. I agree with you, however, that our journalists need to lift their game

  • Kwasi in Europe 6 months ago

    Attuquaye, that is what we get if teachers are poorly paid. They produce secondhand students.

  • King 6 months ago

    He wasted his brain studying things that had no value in the country. No wonder he was encouraged to be a role model so that other Ghanaians would end up studying such useless subjects.

  • Sister Soulja 6 months ago

    Absolute waste of time and resources.

  • Koliko 6 months ago

    Be realistic, and get real. When you are choosing subjects, you choose what interests you and subjects in which you are good, in order to excel. He chose subjects of interest to him and he excelled. Of what use is choosing ...
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  • Citizen Vigilante 6 months ago

    He taught Greek, Latin and Ancient History.

  • Bastie Asantefourhene 6 months ago

    What has Greek , latin and ancient European history done for us?

  • John Mokomo Dadzie 6 months ago

    The greatest of all the Vice-Cancellors of the university of Ghana followed by Professor Akilakoah-Sawyer.

  • Koliko 6 months ago

    How did you arrive at that conclusion? Have you been a student there since the university was established in 1948 or you've been working there since 1948.

  • Dr Mumbi Seraki 6 months ago

    Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine. For instance 10 paracetamol at once......or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.

  • wofa yaw 6 months ago

    I got admission for master's in public administration at the UN University during his time at the University in 1988.

  • Koliko 6 months ago

    Wofa Yaw,
    And so what?

  • Who Killed Mills 6 months ago

    He is proud to be associated with the man somehow

  • Reynold. 6 months ago

    Away with your jealousy and hate Koliko

  • Poacher 6 months ago

    Even ako can learn any language.we learn how to speak at two and children can be multilingual at age 5, am not saying anything here.

  • Who Killed Mills 6 months ago

    So how many languages can you speak, Poacher. Jealousy is such a lousy thing. It can even kill. You jealous you go die

  • Di wo fie asem 6 months ago

    Lee Kuan Yeu, the late President of Singapore, said a developing country like Ghana doesn't need a Vice Chancellor in the Humanities. He said a Chancellor from the Sciences would have been better. Because of innovation etc. L ...
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  • Kay De 6 months ago
