
We’re not being paid salaries, so stop insulting us – Board Chairman of National Peace Council

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  • Immortal 6 months ago

    By your fruits, you shall be known

  • £EARN, TRAIN, MAKE MONEY 6 months ago

    You're not a man of peace with this response. This is veiled 'vawulence''. To succeed & make money, you have to be solution oriented. Become the go-to person, meet all cadre of humans daily by fixing the most important gadge ...
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  • the truth hurts Omanbapa 6 months ago


  • His Excellecy The Ugly Dwarf 6 months ago

    You have assume some responsibility, whether paid or free, if you are not fulfilling people will critiscise you.

  • KOFI 6 months ago

    This man is a bloody liar. They make a lot of money as members of that useless body.
    They get a lot of contracts but use other people as fronts.
    This sitting allowance thing is what is on paper. There is a lot of money th ...
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  • Turning the Corner 6 months ago

    Dissolve the peace council then

  • BugaBuga 6 months ago

    There’s too much foolishness, ignorance, disrespect and hatred by uncouth and untrained people in Ghana. They have noticed how the babies with sharp teeth have been rewarded by NDC. Most of these people didn’t do any prop ...
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  • Gana 6 months ago

    Where are the Glow for Ghana group? Tribalism and Africa politics is day and night, the independent square is empty, when will Glow people coming to pray for Ghana, criminals. AGLOW 000..

  • vandal Isa 6 months ago

    we are saying that you guys are hypocrites and you are biased. you talked a lot when JM was president and committed less "evil". now that Nana addo is president, you guys are quiet.
    you are talking as if you expected to be ...
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  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 6 months ago

    No one is talking about salaries here but fat unsubstantiated sotting and travelling allowances. Don't forget it is from our (Ghanaians) taxes. We're also compulsorily demanding accountability of the monies wasted because the ...
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  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 6 months ago

    Addendum: You can't scare us Dr Osofo. Touch "not my anoited" does not work in criminal cases else Jesus wouldn't have whipped, brutalised your senior colleagues gambling in the synagogue.

  • Kapwepwe 6 months ago

    You take only 'sitting allowances'. Please tell us the source(s), from whence those 'allowances' come.

  • Joseph 6 months ago

    Why do you keep mute when npp goes wrong

  • Ray 6 months ago

    Please resign and dissolve that council.
    You are of no use in this country.
    Better return all the V8 vehicles to be given to medical doctors and judges who are of good use to Ghanaians. Mtsew

  • POWERFUL 6 months ago

    Which Judges, from frying pan to fire. The current Judges are the problem of the country. Fully appreciate why JJ Rawlings had to deal with them during the revolution.

  • POWERFUL 6 months ago

    Rubbish, then resign and the insults will stop. Nonsense.

  • Esi 6 months ago

    You very stupid to say that.That means when Mahama was in power NPP was paying you people.You people are the problems we have in Ghana.You very bias and tribalistic.I wish all of you to rot in hell .You are all criminals dece ...
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  • Pablo 6 months ago


  • Esi 6 months ago

    You very stupid to say that.That means when Mahama was in power NPP was paying you people.You people are the problems we have in Ghana.Youre very bias and tribalistic.I wish all of you to rot in hell .You are all criminals de ...
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  • Sul 6 months ago



  • May 6 months ago

    The idiot says we should insult them when we hear they are on salaries

  • Kwame Peter 6 months ago

    Rev.Chairman,please direct your rebuttal at JDM and his NDC because that is where all the disrespectful,maladjusted and ill-brought up characters in Ghana are found,all they bring to us are curses.

  • Sarfo Bedoako 6 months ago

    Kwame Peter Odwan ba has any NDC member insulted anybody in this country that can equate NPP members? The real curses is what has befallen on the Deputy Finance Minister. Compare his insult against Prof Mills and all what NDC ...
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  • Bawumia eyes have died 6 months ago

    Remove Peter from your name
    You are very retrograsive individual

  • JACK TORONTO 6 months ago

    You are right, all the members of the ndc who insults learnt it from Hon KENNEDY AGYAPONG. He is the commander inchief of the insulted association.

  • Dwarf 6 months ago

    Keep your mouth shut, stay away from politics and resign. You hypocrite and tribal bigot

  • NTOW 6 months ago

    Is that the reason for the mediocrity we see from the peace council, how pitiful. Why don’t you step down then if that is your reason .

  • Kb 6 months ago

    What is this man communicating? Lol!
    The statement attributed to him seems internally inconsistent. How can you be paid salary when the work does not require a salaried input? How can you say you receive board allowance and ...
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  • Moha@30 6 months ago

    Mr chairman, Ghanaian are not insulting you people bcos of salaried,but your council slice on critical issues that affect the Ghanaian,bcos Ghanaian are the same people some few years ago,dis your council were loud heard crit ...
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  • Nii 6 months ago

    If you are not been paid salaries, yet you are being insulted why don’t resign. If the heat in the kitchen is too hot just resign. Are you an idiot

  • Ratata 6 months ago

    Shut up who would have insulted you if you were fair in addressing national issues.

  • Yabi Yabi 6 months ago

    You’re a selfish, dishonest, unprincipled, faithless coward Rev. Adu Gyamfi to be a member of dog catchers of Ghana. Since you have opened yourself up for further interrogation please tell us how many times you meet a week, ...
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  • Akajatayogogo 6 months ago

    Hear these FOOL

  • Ked 6 months ago

    Shameless bunch of criminals. Country brokers

  • KofSam 6 months ago

    Dr Ernest Adu Gyamfi , the board chairman of the national peace council claim that they work for free yet they are being insulted by the public . No person in his right mind will expose himself to ridicule and insults for ren ...
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  • Achakanapaya . The ship is moving. 6 months ago

    Hypocrites . Why were you guys talking during the NDC Ara?? Now you quite because your big mouths are full. Kwasia panyin. Useless senseless clueless political counsel. 8 people were shot dead in the 2020 elections, what did ...
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  • Ama 6 months ago

    So quit and keep quiet.

  • Sofoline 6 months ago

    Stop it, it's not force, you don't get paid and so what.

  • Alex 6 months ago

    Can this useless peace council members tell us how much is their sitting allowance

  • Mnus 6 months ago

    Is anyone holding you hostage to the board chair?. You accepted to be there, so do your work

  • Water Yam 6 months ago

    These are bunch of ethnic bastards. They only criticize when NDC is in power but keep quiet and pretend nothing is wrong when their tribesmen are in power. Shame!

  • Ex-Pope 6 months ago

    Just another unnecessary agency. Time to get rid of that National Peace Council.




  • Sarfo Bedoako 6 months ago

    You don't collect salary? Oh poor you, no wonder Akuffool Addo has bought you over and silence you.

  • KGB 6 months ago

    You are all being insulted because you're all liars and have lost your usefulness, especially pastors in the country. You don't speak the truth. You all follow your stomach. How can a country that is a Christian country be ...
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  • AD 6 months ago

  • Hastings Ekomato 6 months ago

    Foolishness, should you be paid before you can live to the fullest and expectations of Ghanaians in order to contribute positively to a genuine future society? Comedy of errors indeed. Useless money should not be deriving fac ...
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  • thieves and easy path to money 6 months ago

    Why do you have to be paid?

  • Nana Addo 6 months ago

    Useless and shameless elders. We you forced to take that role? Resign in peace. Such shamelessness.

  • HONESTY 6 months ago

    PASTOR, why have you deemed in your heart to lie before God and humankind.

    By their own words, I will judge them.

    Let me quote him twice,

    Paragraph 5: '' “But none of us are been paid, it is just voluntary work. Al ...
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  • Aristotle 6 months ago

    Salary or no salary, we will insult you if you mess up.

  • Michael 6 months ago

    Then resign from that position if you can come out with this flimsy excuse is anyone in Ghana forcing you to take the job off you can't take the insults then resign cos with all this going on in this country the so called pe ...
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  • Ghana nti 6 months ago

    Pls don’t insult our intelligence, the allowance and money got from government is even more than president salary, you people are part of Akoffu Addo’s bad governance and corruption Ghanaian are going through because of y ...
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  • Jah bless 6 months ago

    Kwasiaa pastor then we don't need ur voluntary service cos it's costing the nation big time. Ur part of Ghana woes if u don't know because of ur bias n unpatriotic nature. Using God name to deceive the innocent souls kwasiaa.

  • Agbeli Kumordzi 6 months ago

    The peace council is equally corrupt like Akuffo Addo's NPP government

  • Bawumia eyes have died 6 months ago

    Don't you receive privileges eg diplomatic passport and the rest
    Pls resign then if you think you need financial pmt before you can step up
    Was Jesus been paid salaries yet He Faithfull sacrificed for us all, he said grea ...
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  • OBRONIBA 6 months ago

    You are the problem and a useless council in Ghana who are manipulated by evil. Foolish leaders with no manners and dignity. You are bunch of jerks

  • DADAFRED 6 months ago

    Oooooh Mr Board Chairman,,, should you be paid before you do the right things?

  • Nana 6 months ago

    You are the most useless institution in Ghana. You are a threat to our democracy.

  • Nii Adjei 6 months ago

    Oh go'way you there! If the kitchen is too hot for you, get out. Especially when you have nothing to lose when you step down, why would you stay put like Ken Ofori-Atta and rather receive insults?

  • John 6 months ago

    Who cares?

  • Jkm 6 months ago

    Then back out If you want to be paid salaries b4 you do the right thing. Please resign if u are not being paid

  • Jack Toronto 6 months ago

    I only hope and pray that you will still be mute when there is a change of government in future. Your silence over serious national issues is becoming too loud.

  • Matey 6 months ago

    You are appointed to perform a role. Lapses in your performance attracts the feedback in the form you mentioned. Resign if you don't want to be given feedback. Simplicita.

  • Fii 6 months ago

    More insult must be heeded on them just for not telling Akofu Addo to stop fooling but you all wanted Diplomatic passport etc so they jump on the scamming bandwagon to scam Ghanaians.

  • Dissolve the board 6 months ago

    Why don’t you dissolve the useless board since you are not paid? Does that mean the board is available for the highest bidder? That is the reason why you don’t speak under this useless government.

  • Nii Akpakpa Zamrama 6 months ago

    Peace Council is one of the useless establishments in Ghana. Absolutely a waste & an extended arm of the Executive. Rubbish

  • All those wrongfully accusing peace council are fools 6 months ago

    In Ghana every government appointee is deemed as corrupt without any evidence. It is usually the lazy good for nothing fools with no proper achievement who accuse and insult hardworking officers. We will not allow such detra ...
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  • Dan 6 months ago

    When you were on rooftops with the ills of government during the regime of JM were you being paid salaries?

  • Steve 6 months ago

    I hear one sitting allowance is 15700 cedis

  • Bto 6 months ago

    Who sent you there,if you don't want to be insulted then do the right thing.8 people were killed in the last election but you and the peace council did not oughter a word or condemn this barbaric act.The peace council is usel ...
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  • Senga 6 months ago


  • Kwam 6 months ago

    So why are you still there? When we are told you have are like a chameleon changing characters to win contracts on this project which is fetching you more income than you can get as salaries. You enjoy all the protocols of a ...
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  • BbUS 6 months ago

    If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the Kitchen

  • WEB AFRICA 3D 6 months ago

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  • Dani 6 months ago

    Were they getting paid during Mahama term that they were vigilant and critical? What an insult from this man. That's why such a council should be made of true patriots and people with credibility not sycophants and political ...
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  • Nonsense! 6 months ago

    What of state Vehicles usage? What of Fuel? What of sitting Allowances? Have you ever paid Tax on your monthly earnings? The church pays you tax free collection proceeds. The state fuels your Vehicles and pay your huge hotel ...
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  • Kweku- Kumasi 6 months ago

    Why are you still at post, leave it for those who will work and be objective to condem Evil barbaric LGBT characters in Ghana.

  • Kweku- Kumasi 6 months ago

    Why are you still at post, leave it for those who will work and be objective to condem Evil barbaric LGBT characters in Ghana. Useless and loose talk

  • Password 6 months ago

    You are too political and always in bed with NPP. REPENT

  • Joe 6 months ago

    Is this the reason your dumb and inactive while some few evils want to destroy the country. Tel the president you need to be paid for the work you are doing. We are sick and tired of talks. Peace council wake up from your slu ...
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  • Jo 6 months ago

    Why are you still there?
    Your allowance is more than the annual salaries of multiple hard working Ghanaians.

  • Asante Amoah 6 months ago

    My only worry is that , he was the immediate past president of my church, the Ghana Baptist Convection.

  • Yakwei 6 months ago

    Is it by force? Just resign and bring back the V8.
    You think you are wise