
Issue of Western Togoland Restoration Front worrying - Chieftaincy minister

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  • Joro 5 months ago

    They've started again! Which activities is the Minister talking about? Since the arrest, prosecution and jailing of the Papavi and other alleged secessionists, has anyone heard about these groups the Minister is talking about ...
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  • Unpredictable Oye Onye Kwasi Atta 5 months ago

    What are you talking about? Instead of addressing the root causes of the problem you scratching the surface of leavers. You NPP people call them all sorts of names such Togolese, Trokosi, Aliens, etc. So what is your headache ...
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  • Dade 5 months ago

    They should go back as long as they leave with only the territory of the current Ayigbeland or Volta Region. Let these people go!

  • Game Changer 5 months ago

    You're such a moron. Western Togoland goes up to some parts of northern Ghana. Kwasiato, It's an Ayigbe man called Philip Gbeho who composed the national anthem and the pledge. Between you ugly ashanti rat shit eaters and the ...
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  • George (London) 5 months ago

    You are a fool. Can you compare stinking eees with krokro skin to Ashantis? Ashantis made ewes who you are today. We the Ashantis never used to share drinking cups with the ewes until useless Rawlings came to power and brough ...
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  • Zoobie-Zoobie 5 months ago


  • DORMAA BASTIE. 5 months ago

    Send some soldiers there to enforce law, order and protect the law abiding citizens. Those who are willing to join Togo May go but not an iota of our land will move with them.

  • Zoobie-Zoobie 5 months ago

    LOOK AT THE IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mambo 5 months ago

    Another pretense to deploy troops to the region again

  • Kelly 5 months ago

    Stoopid Asamoah Boateng. Planning to rig the election 2024 as usual

  • nana addo 5 months ago

    You people try it again and see.
    Arresting,brutalizing, jailing our kinsmen from the Volta region is not a thing to think about.
    God who created all of us is watching and HE ill surely bring the judgement.
    You "JOCUMBE"
    G ...
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    During the UN Plebiscite it was our grandfathers and mothers who swayed the decision to then join Gold Coast.

    We are not interested in any Western Togoland Business. We don't even know where this area is . Maybe somewhere ...
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  • Government Should Restrict the Togolander Nonesense to Tongu! 5 months ago

    The Government should not dare come to Oti Region and discuss this Western Togoland nonsense with us.

    We want nothing to do with it.

  • Abdellah 5 months ago

    Does this group only operate during election year's?

  • The Operate When NPP is in Power! 5 months ago

    And only when NPP is in power. They disappear when NDC is in power. Strange!

  • No9 5 months ago

    Idiocy at the highest level. You have started this useless agenda to push soldiers there right?
    We know now so just don't start cos you won't be able to finish. It's only in election yrs. Heerrrrrr these guys are stupid and ...
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  • Jake 5 months ago

    It is this useless and wicked akufo Addo's regime that brought this issue through their discrimination behaviours like forgetting the Volta Region in a national b8udget, harassment of Voltarians and tagging them as Togolese, ...
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  • Yondo 5 months ago


  • Sk 5 months ago

    We want our independence from Ghana. We can't continue been looked down upon on our own lands. We want to govern ourselves on our lands. We are in union government/partnership with Ghana but are being treated as servants.

  • ROG 5 months ago

    You give unprecedented privileges to Asantehene. You provide him with police escort even while he outrageously flies the separatist Asante flag and referencing Ashanti Nation instead of Republic of Ghana. The so-called Asante ...
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  • Thief of Staff - Akosua Frema 5 months ago

    Why and how is it worrying? Aren't you aware of the content of the plebiscite?

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  • HitThemHard 5 months ago

    No kid gloves treatment. Use brute force to silence them.This is the only language they and their hypocritical sponsors who are in our midst understand. Hit and hammer them hard otherwise they will gain an upper hand with ...
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  • George (London) 5 months ago

    Why is it worrying? Who wants to live with voltarians? Let them go back to Togo where they belong. These evil people will do real Ghanaians justice for leaving Ghana. I don’t know why politicians are hypocrites. Everyone kn ...
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