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And so
Very soon NPP politicians would want to sell these airports to themselves.
Is that all too known Paul Adom-Otchere board members can do?
Npp f00ls just want t-shirt. Kwasiafuo
Common sense should tell any reasonable person that it will take time to recoup the amount of money invested into renovating these airports.
Agbesi Kwasivi, at the time of the report in 2022, Prempeh I International Airport was not in existence. The new Prempeh I Airport was commissioned in 2024. The old Kumasi Airport and the new International airport are not th ...
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10/10. That is the Akyempanzee Sakawa Agyapadie MO: rubbish it, then buy it cheap.
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Kwasea kwa. An embecile whose caps key is stuck, thus typing in caps.
But is this surprising? There were not are still not commercially viable
Non visionary people in 20 years time these airports would be too small
The construction of some of these airports are just for political reasons. Cape Coast is planned to be added to the list. Afram Plains is crying for roads, bridges and pontoons while money is wasted on building bloody usel ...
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Hahahahahaha. Aaaaaaagyei. They say aaaaall the five oo. Kikikikiki Kikikikiki. They say all the five oo. Hmm.
Ho Airport is the worst financial drain. How can an airport generate 0 revenue? This unfathomable.
Instead of developing a good road network or railway line linking the capital Accra, money was wasted on an airport with hardly any passengers. Who want to pay so much money for a 20 minutes flight?
Go and ask John Mahama
They are lying! Soon, akuffo addo and his cronies will buy them cheap. It is all part of the Akyempanzee State Capture agend aka Agyapadie.
Masa check the records u can Google and read about this airport ho, tamale and co all this financial lost was mahama
John Mahama should be charged for causing financial loss to the State. What informed his decision to do that?
We must learn how to walk before deciding to run.
Kumasi airport will be viable when it starts international flights. I am not so sure about the rest of the loss making regional airports ever making profits.
What will make kumasi Airport viable? Your thoughts are very myopic! Kumasi is a slum, even the ashantes don't built there! What commercial activities are in kumasi to make the flights viable? Is it the ashantihene one trip a ...
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let the contractor finish the run-way for international status - your Accra Airport would be sooner or later be a second to Kumasi in terms of patronage.
we are waiting for the total completion of the Kumasi -international ...
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@rogue lawyer
I think you need to keep taking your pills! In a million years kumasi can never be compared to Accra in terms development. Kumasi is a slum, a medieval city full 9f stupidity! Am not sure who named it rhe garde ...
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I shot on Kumasi and Kumasihene
I know u r not smart,
Why do you hate the ashatis that much?. Kumasi a slum with no commercial activities?. Kumasi is the main commercial city in Ghana serving all regions except Accra, central and volta.
The Kumasi Airport has been under construction and re-construction. It was just re-opened, so, what sort of report about viability is this?
Stupidity and lunacy of our leaders is in fact legendary. This is only a drop in the ocean as compared to all state institutions. This is why the nation is on a nosedive
Time will tell
Everybody is in Accra fighting the Ga people for their Lands.The ewes are afraid of vodoo if they take planes from Accra to Ho.You can imagine what will happen if all Americans decide build houses in Washington.DC.
Eweland is too close to Accra, it will never ever make an economic sense to board a plane home.
So you can see how myopic leader like Mahama built an airport inHo for what?..... But just for political reasons and now it's a white elephant. Indeed a man who understands 24hr Economy. How can Ho airport support this vision ...
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Only accountants and auditors assess viability and sustainability of projects narrowly based on income and expenditure. Economist will include other variables to assess beneficial impact of projects on the country's GDP.
There is no economic advantage for the kumasi airport! Its a waste of money! Just like the cathedral that useless ugly dwarf decided to built to satisfy his personal gratification! Kumasi is a slum, all the money the ashantes ...
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Kumasi airport will become profitable or break even when it becomes international.
The government must encourage the setting of big businesses like chocolate factory, Textile factory. foreign embassies(annex). Food processi ...
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Look at another idiot! Your useless government couldn't even manage the setting up of casava factories! USELESS IDIOTS
People need to be patient first and remember this is long time business this airports can not make money at once but in feature it will be victory
Yet it must be in good maintenance
Very stupid report. So what is your proposal for the airports to be financially viable. I propose that selected international flights are directed to the Kumasi and Tamale airports. Domestic flights to Kotoka and order region ...
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Then make them commercially viable, that's why y'all are government,.......
This auditor general has no vision and no common sense!! Airport is a long term investment. He should know that developments of that kind attracts commercial activities!!
He should fight the corruption and stop this nonsense ...
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Greatly improving and expanding our poor and neglected road network would be transformational for Ghana's economy.
No nation has ever developed and progressed economically without first having a well developed extensive tran ...
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Were the expenses only recurring or included capital expenditure?. If they include capital expenditure then this this is misleading since capital expenditure takes time before they are recoup. If they are purely recurring exp ...
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As the saying goes "Rome was not built in a day". Unfortunately in Ghana, continuing maintenance is going to be the problem. Both NPP and NDC members loot the national assets. We have to put a stop to that !!!!
AIRPORTS are not built for commercial purposes only. In national disasters and emergencies they serve very useful purposes. Logistics and supplies are quickly transported to the needy areas.In case of evacuation of injured a ...
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All these Airports mentioned were in existence some from the 60s. The only exception is the HO airport What this government has done is to upgrade the infrastructural facilities. By the way the Western Region which supplies t ...
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Some people throw out jargons anyhow, without getting to understand what those jargons really mean. How did they arrive at the conclusion that these airports are not commercially viable?
Making losses on a project or a pr ...
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Yes, Mahama's Ho Airport would surely not GENERATE ANYTHING!!!!!
How can you make profits when air fares are very expensive? Our leaders are suffering from poverty of good thinking. If air fares are affordable these airports will be busy all day and making profits as well. The air transpor ...
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