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To reinvestigate the Airbus scandal with tax payer money or you will give them money to do that for you
Is this chronic stupidity or addiction?
Because of people like this guy npp will go into opposition. Look at how unattractive he is! Which woman will vote for this ugly guy?
NPP get problem. Pick people who "fine small" as your directors for communication? At least let the person "fine small", aabaaah.
This man looks ugly and his activities and utterances are always ugly too. U can take over the work of the osp instead of demonstrations. Aboa bonii!
Owusu Bempah your mouth like the proboscis of a mosquito . foolish stupid man
This guy has at most 5 more months to lose his job, that is what he's fighting for not for Ghana. At the point of submitting your petition to OSP, you should've explained to him that you want only one result- finding Mahama c ...
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This NPP criminal party thinks we are fool , NPP will lose December 7th period
Is this man a welder at Ghana gas? In fact Ghana has really gone to the dogs.
Politics has become cheap in Ghana. Look at another idiots making noise
OSP has done his part. You are in Government, if you are not satisfied with his verdict, go to court with your evidence.
You will very soon go blind, you thief, a goat like you, your stupidity will very soon come to an end, get ready for prison ooooo, because we have your stealing records at ghana gas
Go to Court. Do you the The Brain Behind Atuabo Gas? You will be Unemployed very Soon.
So NPP made this man their communication director. Is it gbeshie or what
Hahahaha. Oh my broda. I can't stop laughing. Gbeshie. Kwakwakwakwakwa. Oh no.
Always speaking like a drunk
Mr Owusu Bempah if you have better evidence on the Airbus scandal please take it to the court for the prosecution to take place. ALL THE NOISE MAKING WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING
Owusu bempah, woenim se nkyinam. Woano fiaaao ti se apofi. Kramai. Aaaboa. Can anybody pour acid on this boys face? Nonsense.
Ernest ! Tell Ghanaians how you were the main distributor of Cocain and weed for KILLER I WEST in orth London
Tell Ghanaians you were contracted to carry cocain in your belly from Ghana to UK for £5000 @ North London
T ...
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@ Koo Sika, spill it we are all ears bro! Finish him now please I beg.
Yh, cut this kaffir to size right now. We've had enough of him. F* ingrate sitting in an office established by JM.
Who are you to give OSP ultimatum, FOOLS
The man Owusu Bempeh is mad mad
1 second ago
The guy Owusu Bempeh is s mad man.
See dis Jonky man go arrange ur wife,kids and extended family so u go demo for we the ppl of Ghana. Concert Jonky man
dont worry when the power changes all these rat will rot in jail including the useless president
NPP doags you can go and kille yourself Criminals
Sooo many dirty things your government is still doing you left that one to talk of a matter which have been cleared. Foolish guy
Look at this chimpanzee with no manners and dignity talking rubbish. Politics is really a foolish venture for such idiots. Always advertising his foolishness and stupidity to please his chimpanzee mentor
Any idiot can hold a microphone.
Who is this cockroach? Next joke please!!
No problem. Your Akuffo Addo will be prosecuted when he leaves office. It's there I will like to see idiots. You guys should prepare because your time is up. Straight.
This Owusu Bempah is becoming a nuisance to the NPP. The better he is brought to by the executives the better
Ghana law should charge and try the Special Prosecutor Kissi Adjebeng for helping mahama Govt Official 1 and his front man brother Foster Mahama Govt Official 5 ,Commit alleged Airbus Bribery fraud. The UK Serious Fraud Of ...
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This Owusu Bempa guy should be careful. He is just fighting for his stomach, not for Ghanaians
Aboaaaaaa ba. You think JDM is like that of your NPPIGS Cecilia Abena Dapaah aka under bed money
A group of tribal opportunists whose leaders used demonstrations to deceive Ghanaians to win political powere. Ghanaians are now wiser and know who these miscreants are. They should give ultimatum to the Nigerian 419 boyfrien ...
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Oh my God, look at his face, even he goat is hansom
Why is this man so stupid like that ei
People are talking like they know everything
Owusu Bempeh is NDC guy foolish Npp.
Where in the UK and USA report says that John Mahama received bribe from the Airbus?
Kissi Aboabeng is 100% right to clear John Mahama because there is no evidence anywhere that Airbus g ...
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Akuu-fool addo can as well replace the osp with you. An ugly man who is also dunderhead.
Nonsense. Stop your NPP looting of Ghana government assets and find a way to revive your NPP comatose economy instead of trying to ge ...
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Total Bullshit,from local rat, this is hypocrisy. We all know about Cecellia dapaah case and every Ghanaian can have seen it live that dollars was stashed and hoard under bed its visible and clear corruption, and part of loo ...
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This Owusu bempa guy, I'm beginning to think he is mentally challenged