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These uncircumcised neanderthals are one of the main reasons why Ghana has fallen into that bottomless quagmire of mediocrity, foolishness and shame!
Please take advantage of Free SHS to learn how to spell fool - a good reason to repurpose E-Levy to support Free SHS to educate fools like you
If Prez. Mahama and NDC don't honour their promises of scrapping these taxes and listen to these idiots people, it will be a great suicidal experience for them, the Ghanaian voters have now grown up ooo, you can't do politric ...
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Well well well...... what is the fiscal policy plan of the E-levy?...... just revenue???
Look at this incompetent lecturer. The way he lambasted the past government every time he is invited to the kokomlemle CNN show. Hypocrites! the e levy must go as promised because it was one of the reason why JDM was voted fo ...
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Sir dont start your concert phd or,dont let Ghanaians eat you alive,it has yo be cancel now.did you commend NPP government for introducing E levy ? Gool
Any lazy fool is a doctor.
Ooooh allow him to cancel all, we are Ghana to see his wonderful work, time is going to tell
E levy, betting tax which the current campaign against vigorously should have been cancel a day after the swearing in. The price of cocoa bag should be increased as promised by the government.
He is man of his words and so allow him to keep his promise.
In any case why did you all who are now against it impress him upon not to cancel it until he had been sworn in. Why are you trying to create enemies for the man ...
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The President Ghana never got. Indeed his name is Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo. God bless you
The Evil levy must be removed immediately. To generate revenue The Government must reduce its recurring expenditure by 50%, check leakages in revenue generation. scrap allowances of of CEOs of government institutions like GRA ...
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If Mahama listens to people like you, the country will never grow. You are in support of a tax that tax’s savings. You are in support of a tax that makes doing business more expensive for business people. Why didn’t Ghana ...
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Good advice
Don't abolish E-Levy repurpose it to support the Free SHS program.
In fact, he should cancel it and betting and covid taxes with immediate effect.
koto de3 ne bo dw3. we live to see. we will see to it that every promise he made will be done. 2028 is just at corner. You think you can fool us to get your way to power and later tell us we easily forget. sycophants. betting ...
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Are you sure, Ghanaians have really proved President Mahama's belief that we have short memories. I don't think scrapping taxes and free academic fees for 1st year university students will materialize
Free corporate taxes for 6 years for all
foreign legitimate business investors in Ghana.
Visa free for all USA, Canada, UK, Europe investors and its citizens visiting Ghana.
Increase all factory working hours to 16 ...
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He will cancel it idiotic fool why shouldn't he cancel it are you normal at all? He should rather bring back the road tall both to create income and employment. E-leavy must cancel!!!
Who too is this?? comot for der!! He doesnt need your advice
If NDC govt needs all of us (poor & rich) our monies to tap on for national development, then they should cancel this elevy devil fastest! They'll be shock the quantum of mop up. The banks/insurance alone not enough for stock ...
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If NDC govt needs all of us (poor & rich) our monies to tap on for national development, then they should cancel this elevy devil fastest! They'll be shock the quantum of mop up. The banks/insurance alone not enough for stock ...
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