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Qur'an is toilet paper. Burn all mosques. If you poison islamic children you will go straight to heaven.
Afenyo must be RECALLED from ECOWAS parliament for his disgraceful behaviours. Pride goes before fall. Markin is full of himself and MUST GO.
Otherwise shutup if you cant sack him!
The Romans (not necessarily Catholics) are the most hypocritical bunch on this planet. Deceit is their main hobby. Lying against other people is their trademark. Blackmail is a pastime for them. So from the Roman empire to th ...
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Afenyo markin is a trickster and a Con man
Afenyo Markin has hanged himself with the long rope Ahiafor gave him
Alexander Kwamina Afenyo-Markin is opportunistic, treacherous, devilish and demonic. He joined the Freemasonry to enable which truly enabled him to travel to England for his LLB degree and postgraduate degree so he will conti ...
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His Bishop Palmer Buckley is a hypocrite. He loves money more than the faith. That's why he isn't able to muster courage to tell afenyo markins that Freemasons is a sin.
Afenyo Markin. You are causing troubles for NPP. You are causing troubles too for the secretive freemasons. You are causing troubles in Parliament as well . Hmmm
No wonder, the antichrist in parliament.
I want to tell Afenyo-Markin that if he is a Freemason, that’s fine. No one is against thst but he should desist from those acts of trying to advertise his secret society to others.
We must all know that we have a young ...
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It's true Freemason is incompatible to Catholic faith,but truth is,both freemason and catholic are incompatible to CHRISTIAN faith,that's the fact!
Friend,please stop it. Don't divide the body of Christ. It's embarrassing to see Christians of different faith traditions fighting among themselves when the devil is busy fighting us. The Lord Jesus said to follow him. Cathol ...
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Yes. The Catholic faith is incompatible with the Christian faith that you have fabricated for yourself in modern times. Even the apostles will be shocked to see what you people call Christianity! Paul will not recognize it. P ...
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Your arrogance is in the fact that you presume I'm Catholic just because I speak the truth, and you've also made yourself a spokesperson for the apostles even though Paul refutes sectarianism in 1 Corinthians 3.
I have ze ...
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...... The Church has NOT WRITTEN to ME
...... I have seen... flying
.......If I RECEIVE a delegation from the Church
Makin expects THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH to write to him and further send A DELEGATION to him
It is ...
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So Afenyo Markins makes sacrifices to demons? Am noy surprised. He is Obetsebi lampteys's boy.
“As a partridge that broods but does not hatch, so is he who gets riches, but not by right; It will leave him in the midst of his days,And at his end he will be a fool.”
Jeremiah 17:11
Slave Masons are greedy for the ...
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No Pentecostal Church
No Charismatic Church
No credible Christian Church would allow Freemasons to be members of their church ⛪
You originally created the impression that Freemason's are allowed in the Catholic but you have been proved wrong Your behavior shows you are not a true Catholic
Akplenyo-Monkey is a zombie and total clown. Having this ass.hole in the free masonry fraternity was a poor risk and as at now most masons might have regretted big time Having that looney monkey as their member. What a good ...
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And in his usual self conceited form, he appears more knowledgeable than the clergy
Afenyo seems not to be at ease with unruly horse
Truth is one, thanks CBC of Ghana
When Hon. Ascends higher levels in FM he will understand they are not compatible with Christ Teachings
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Freemasonry is a cult not a religion. They practice in secrecy, chants and invokes spirit beings, not prayers. "Let no one deceive you into it. Freemason is satanic! And a practice of Satan.
Freemason’s believe in God.
Did I hed you say "Faith?" On who or in Who? Tell us more about your core-values, Mr freemason.
He is flirting with 2 potent spiritual forces and the consequences are always unpalatable.
"... nobody has written to me personally. " "If I receive a delegation of my church leaders for a discussion.. ". This guy seems to be a personification of arrogance. Even the pope would not speak like this. A church will hav ...
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These Catholics in red really look like freewizards
The guy is incorrigible. Doggedly arrogant and stupidly outrageous anytime he opens his ugly mouth. He appears unaware of public resentment against him, hence no self reflection.
Probably, Afenyo knew, Anglicans accept masons. If so, he can join them from tomorrow Sunday. The Catholic Church l know, don't write to individuals about their waywardness. They issue a communique to ALL. Before God, all are ...
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Freemasons are not apostates.They still believe in various faiths which centralize the God belief.
'They still believe in various faiths'...yes we know that one must profess to believe in a god to be a freemason, and the gods they profess are false gods, demons. That's what makes them Idolators, and therefore not part of t ...
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The Catholic Church prefer Baphomat worship to freemason and illuminate. The pope and the bishops all do the Baphomat salute, that's obeying the authority of that deity.
There are wolves everywhere. False leaders and teachers are not exclusive to the Catholic church. How many non Catholic leaders have been exposed for engaging in shameful activities yet you're blind to all that and you only s ...
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Rubbish..meanwhile gays can be Bishops. Jokers!
I challenge you to provide one Bible verse that teaches or approves of that. Go ahead,if you're not a liar
This backlash from the Catholic Church further proved that freemasonry is devilish cult and ought to be ostracised. If freemasonry isn't demonic why will the Catholic Church hate it???? Very very very demonic as confirmed by ...
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Many of us had always thought freemasonry and other lodges are an extension of the Roman Catholic church. This is because, many catholic members in our country are active freemasons. Obviously, this is the reason Afenyo Marki ...
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This one dear bishops I think he should be written to personally and if he still insist then sanctions should be applied. It should be bold as Jesus told the crowd about his body and blood and the proper said they can't belie ...
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Alexander Afenyo Markins needs psychological and psychiatry examinations
This Afenyo-Markin guy is really funny. The Rules are there . The guy even has the Audacity to build an Alter in his house. Well, I don’t know the kind of Catholic he is claiming to be. I suspect he has his OWN Catholic ...
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Afenyo-Markin has OVERRATED himself beyond his capacity Anyone who thinks he is cleaver and smarter than everyone else is the dummies person among others.
I was a Catholic from age 4 until I became an atheist in 1973, but I have been seeing these Freemasons in the Catholic Church, they carry some sort of sword and wear some apron on from their waist to the knee.
They accompan ...
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Completely ignorant. The Church societies of St. John and Marshalans are not the same as Freemasons. Educate yourself. St. John and Marshalans are the soldiers of the Church. They came from the historical era when the church ...
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we should not be fooled, the knight of marshal, saint johns and others are all secret societies in catholic church, the head of all secret societies is the pope himself unless you dont know, you can learn small from Total ons ...
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