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At this juncture, Oppong all the npp mps votes does not matter in the implementation of JDM's policies after tomorrow's presentation by the finance minister.
Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine.....for instance 10 paracetamol at once.... or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide
Npp does not have a crow's eye let alone an eagle eye. These npp idiots does not know how angry Ghanaians are with them. Why did they not scrutinized the budget of the white colour thief ken ofori atta and the useless ugly ol ...
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They don't know how angry we are. They are lucky Mahama won. If they had brought violence in this election we, we the youth would team up and ramp them up like cabbage. We are ready for them and preparing, when the time is up ...
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The npp think they are the only people who are right and can do onto people and don't want people to do onto them
Who is the one talking you will do what? Shameless one. I don't even know why you got 38% if you know how to do that why did your government collapse? Why did you people failed and lost portooooor saa. Just give us a break ga ...
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Open your eyes Mr for when your party was borrowing left and right u forgot to have an Engle eye
TRACK your vehicle/motorbike with ease. With Justrac GPS Tracker one can Shutdown engine remotely, Real-time tracking, Voice monitoring, playback route by your phone etc. PRICE: GHS750. Call/WhatsApp: 0501796870 for more info ...
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Ugly, useless, senseless, shameless, gormless, lawless, corrupt, ignorant, arrogant and primitive fool. Your nose like tapoli. Kwasiaa buuluubuuluuu.
Did you ensure that in the last 8 years. Useless monkey, aboaa. We pray that Ghana turns to Rwanda so all of you would be gone in one day. We are angry as a youth and we would have no sympathy on you fools. Gyimifo. Your time ...
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You'll see the difference tomorrow. Practical budget vs theory.
I want Npp to be in opposition for the only Allah knows years, because they are very good in opposition not in power.they will help this country immensely but in opposition not in power.
You can even have an earl's eye,who cares..¿