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Mr Wise man,you're now in power and in charge try to correct the wrong and improve it.Ghanaians are waiting and observing how intellectualism will be displayed.
Yesu Kristo!!!
This is the chairman of education community of Ghana Parliament? Are we a serious country?
Look at your face . Talk sense a bit . A policy that was not think through cannot last for the entire 8 years . IF your Government cannot sustain please cancel it and stop your naïve
We the northerners had enjoyed free SHS since Nkrumah era, today npp govt has made it nation wide, and your making stupid comment
I'm not sure how long you've been a member of the singing choir( parliament) but instead of the non stop blame game which doesn't fix anything why don't you take the lead in making sure the public are being served. You a publ ...
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This MP just wants to be heard. But sometimes silence is golden. How many children were in secondary school in your constituency before fshs compared to the number now.
What do you mean by rush. That type of vulture life must be stopped. Tomorrow I will build my house..If Dr Nkrumah had listen to the UGCC Ghanaians would not have been where we are now. You want to get a house full of monie ...
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If this man is an MP and a member of the Education Committee in Parliament, then we are not safe. With his reasoning added to the thoughts of Apaak and others in the education sector, we don’t expect any sensible thing from ...
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In fact Hon. Kintampoman is proud of you instead of others to consider the shortfalls of our educational sector, they are just singing and praising meanwhile their children are in private schools and abroad.
All these one-time MPs will soon be shown the door cos they have nothing meaningful to say or offer but just to blow out hot air from their stinking mouths. Make it right if you think it was not properly thought through. Liar ...
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I believe the President JDM and his NDC party members were sitting at the bench behind the NPP party and government finding forth and told Ghanaians that they have find it so they should be given the chance to come and solve ...
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So intelligent people voted for this fool to come and make laws for them to obey. I don’t blame him because majority who voted for him are all idiots and imbeciles.
You do not understand what you are saying. Reason more.