
55 births recorded on Christmas Day in Accra

Thu, 27 Dec 2001 Source: gna

Fifty five births were recorded at the major government hospitals in Accra on Christmas day.

The Korle -Bu Teaching Hospital had 36 births out which 16 were males and 20 girls. According a Senior Nursing Sister who wanted to be anonymous nine babies were delivered through caesarean and they were doing well.

Madam Mary Anna Sackefio, Principal Nursing Officer at the Ridge Hospital, said there were 16 births out of which nine were males and seven females. Six of the babies were delivered through caesarean operation and were healthy.

Assistant Superintendent of Police Grace Hermann at the Police Hospital told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that there was only one male delivered at 0530 hours. At the 37 Military Hospital 2 males were recorded.

In another development, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) hospital in Kumasi recorded three, two boys and a girl.

While at the Tema General Hospital 10 births were recorded, five males and five females, one of whom was operated upon.

Source: gna