
For the NPP, 1 + 1 = 3: Any more credibility left?

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  • Serious 11 years ago

    Wait for the final verdict from the Supreme Court Justices. Why are you being that funny with your explicit anti-NPP write-ups? You will rather be wailing when the judgment goes against your most unprecedented corrupt party a ...
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  • Jato Julor (J.J.) Rawlings 11 years ago

    For NDC, 3-2=3: Any justification ?

    With a head as empty as an Eunuch's underpants, Michael Bokor, the ethnocentric 300 kilogram fat buffoon whose only regular exercise he gets, is stretching the truth, is starting 2013 fr ...
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  • BERNARD TETTEH 11 years ago

    You have confounded yourself and conflated two separate "figures" to form the gist of an article that supposedly exposes inaccuracies in a court petition, but more particularly shows your own copious inanity. Let me break it ...
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  • Jack Where are u 11 years ago

    Who brought the issue to court of public opinion? NPP! So why are you complaining?

  • BERNARD TETTEH 11 years ago

    Hahaha!! The court of public opinion ain't the Supreme Court.. It's the forum we're on now.. Gweb.. Cos like we all have ass-holes we all have our own opinion too.. it just ain't cool to be writing shit and smearing from that ...
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  • Hamid 11 years ago

    BT, leave the fool, Bokor, to his devices. Don't waste your time on him. He doesn't even know he is doing more harm to the cause he believes in with his daily, silly, ramblings on the same topic.

  • Dan 11 years ago

    Excellent and sensible reply

  • Bennett 11 years ago

    Lengthy response Bernard. Quite valid assertions. Guess you are not a lawyer; you sound like an English tutor though. What is the opposite of Mendacity (is it falsehood?). Well, a good writer is the one who expresses himself ...
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  • BERNARD TETTEH 11 years ago

    Wadup wit da dis? Yo.. I'ma flow like dat.. I ain't no teacher.. I just be busting the balls of some nasty peeps.. ppl who be talkin trash and gus to be smacked down.. So yea.. I'm a CRITIC.. don't do that teaching thingy too ...
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  • mRNA + tRNA 11 years ago

    Asante/Akyem Tea Party of Ghana. This racist group that sprang up when Obama won the election in US. It gave a shock wave to those racial elements in the society who thought a “Black/colored” could not become president of ...
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  • Sly Tee! 11 years ago

    What more can one add?These functional illiterates are stuck in the eighteenth century.No,probably,fifteenth century.Useless beings.NPP ppl,a disgrace to humanity.

  • KAB 11 years ago

    The NPP is not bigger than Ghana and they cannot dictate to Ghana or the EC or the SC with their own version of election results. History indicates that anytime they loose an election, they create chaos. Unless its an irrepar ...
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  • DAN 11 years ago

    The NPP can win or loose but you will still be black, the same color as my turd...You dicksucker go back to bush and look for banana's monkey

  • Opanin 11 years ago

    Having read Michael Bokor's articles the last one month or so, I am afraid he is allowing pent-up anger and hatred for Akufo Addo and his NPP to make his blood pressure rise

  • Opanin 11 years ago

    Bokor, please do not kill yourself with pent-up anger against Nana Akufo Addo. You do not have any personal interest in the matter the NPP that has raised with the Supreme Court, unless perhaps Mahama has promised you an amba ...
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  • py 11 years ago

    yes 1 plus 1 is 3 .There is a proof.And for Ndc 1 plus 1 is 30. You can't prove .Be honest Npp is better than Ndc (national destruction Congress).Abongo boys.

  • A GERSIS 11 years ago


    A Gersis reporting

    Fellow Ghanaians

    These Jihadists were taught by Akadu. What do you expect from these Talibans?


  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago

    I am not boasting, I have fine mind defined by objective radicalism. My students will attest to this.

  • A GERSIS 11 years ago


    A Gersis reporting

    Fellow Ghanaians

    Indeed, Akadu's mind plods on foot and it is the reason why the NPPians add 1+1=3 at the SC.


  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago

    Good for you!

  • A GERSIS 11 years ago

    Akadu, do you ever clean that pussy? It has a pungent odor.


  • MOORO 11 years ago


  • yaw siaw 11 years ago

    hmm.this people are now confused
    n,p,p what is it at all .

  • Kodwo. 11 years ago

    From time to time, the likes of Tony Aidoo, Fiifi Quartey and others throw tantrums, to catch the eye of the President when allocating positions. So Bokor, I ask you, in all honesty -Have you joined that club?

    Some of you ...
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  • Samuel 11 years ago

    Have you guys noticed that many Ewes don't read and comment on Bokor's articles? Only KOLA and A GERSIS do. And I doubt if even GERSIS reads him. He only comes up with his typical comments especially if Akadu is here too.

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  • yaw siaw 11 years ago


  • Nana Kissi 11 years ago

    I thought I was wrong when I saw these errors but your article has really made me to feel like there is probably a larger agenda about this case. The other day my friend was telling me "our in law, Georgina Woode" will rule i ...
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  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago

    Bokor, your lack of intellection shows in this contradictory arguments based on the quoted statements below!

    You contradict yourself here: for one thing you state that the courts would not deal with the NPP's case, and for ...
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  • A GERSIS 11 years ago


    A Gersis reporting

    Fellow Ghanaians

    Is this your scholarship with a verse that can only be described as a greetig card verse? You do not have a real talent for poetry. You are just a versifier.

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  • Kpengson Ray 11 years ago

    I think A. GERSIS and Akadu Mensema are in love! That is how some start their love affair-by quarreling before they bond and make love!

  • TROUBLE-MAKER 11 years ago

    The fact of the matter is Akadu is a man and his balls are far bigger than Gersis`s.
    So,you see Gersis is NOT a HOMO.

  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago


  • A GERSIS 11 years ago

    Akadu, you have an itsy bitsy breast, but a pungent pussy odor.


  • Samuel 11 years ago

    Only fools do!!!

  • Sly Tee! 11 years ago


  • kormi 11 years ago

    i think the NPP is just waiting everybody's time

  • DAN 11 years ago

    its your faggot stealing ass you see every morning!

  • Ed. London 11 years ago

    NDC earlier doubted NPP would really come to court. Then, there were bluffs, threats and ridicules. Now the eagle has landed. NDC is running scared now. The moderates in their fold are pleading for NPP to drop the case for th ...
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  • Wiafe 11 years ago

    Akadu--I am shocked at your bitter responses to all comments that seem to be anti-npp. For an academic of your calibre--do you really believe any political party can really solve the problems of Ghana? Or do you really bele ...
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  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago

    What a stupid argument is that! So if I were to be pro-NDC all out, I would be a good academic.

  • TROUBLE-MAKER 11 years ago

    Who wants to know if you are Nkrumahist or a MATEMEHOIST?

  • Hamid 11 years ago

    Akadu, you can dislike Rawlings and NDC as much as you like for their bad ways. Yes. But no true Nkrumaist sympathises with the heirs of the Danquah-Busia tradition the way you do. It's like supping with the devil!

  • TROUBLE-MAKER 11 years ago

    Thank you.Akudu is a confused individual looking for direction.Nkrumahist? He`s a lost soul.

  • Taamiawu 11 years ago

    Don`t we? The Abdul Malik Kweku baako version of CPP membership. The kind of pseudo-Nkrumahist who sleeps, dines, and confers,and votes with the NPP,but then proclaims membership just for show. What a joke!

  • mRNA + tRNA 11 years ago

    The Ghanaians that voted big is diverse. The color of Ghana. Everyone who voted for John Mahama wants this presidency to end on an upward trajectory, getting the best possible people around him. We are moving forward, we aren ...
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  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago

    Computer does not think!

  • Vincey,NJ 11 years ago

    A GERSIS I certainly enjoy some of your crossfire with the Denkyira lady,( Akadu Mensena). But please let this be your last time to attack her womanhood as you did somewhere on this forum. Pls. I beg of you. I am chilling on ...
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  • PAA NII 11 years ago

    He looks similar like the pint size ugly dark Osei Tutu, first kumasihene.

  • Akadu Mensema 11 years ago

    Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  • Africa 11 years ago

    Please do not decide for the Supreme Court the validity of the NPP petition by denigrating their case in the media. The point is that NPP has a very strong case and the likelihood that the court case will prevail scares you ...
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  • Sly Tee! 11 years ago

    NPP have no case if you really understand what they have gotten themselves into.The brainy ones in NPP understand what is at stake but are mum just to hold the party together.A big disgrace awaits the NPP.

  • Jack Where are u 11 years ago

    Very very weak case. Typically their illiterate followers still don't get it. I now respect the NDC much more than I use to. Their members are more honest and analytical than the NPP followers and sympathizers. NDC leaders ca ...
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  • ABK Gabon 11 years ago

    Please admit those NPP empty heads back into the class room and teach them simple English.Oh now I know that was why Akuffo Addo was seriously campaining for free SHS so that they will get back to the classroom.They call them ...
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  • wiggy 11 years ago

    Thx BORKOR. i wonder where they will flee to hide after supreme court verdict.what pains me is that okanta will still have the stolen bungalow

  • Adongo 11 years ago

    To B.TETTEH: Wrong! Who are you deceiving? CREDIBILITY matters most in law suits, either personal or civil. Your superfluous, supercilious
    and verbous comment will not save the day for your NPP tribal folks. Get it?

    Adong ...
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  • BERNARD TETTEH 11 years ago

    Quoting you:

    "Wrong! Who are you deceiving? CREDIBILITY matters most in law suits, either personal or civil. Your superfluous, supercilious and verbous comment will not save the day for your NPP tribal folks. Get it?"

    O ...
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  • Bennett 11 years ago

    Dear Dr, thank you for expressing your mind. i wish you could make all of us know which group you represented as you continued to use 'we' in your article. However, i can agree with you that the petitioners are being mischevi ...
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  • BERNARD TETTEH 11 years ago

    "i can agree with you that the petitioners are being mischevious* and are waisting* our time"...

    Yeah buddy.. I think it's mischievous*

    I best not be wasting* time LOL!!

    Don't worry .. be happy.. ♬ ♪&# ...
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  • Non-Alligned 11 years ago


  • Whatever 11 years ago

    Everybody knows NPP has NO real case, They don't have anything serious worth our attention but we would still have to be on guard because the supreme court will have to answer why they send such an overly flawed petition to t ...
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  • DAN 11 years ago

    ifthe $3 billion dollar loan from China didn't buy the judges...Learn to speak like China man so you impress your new slave master!

  • SANTORO 11 years ago


  • Panin Kwaapia 11 years ago

    Very good article and I wished the followers of these evil leaders would start to read between the lines and abandon them. NPP is a devil party. I have said it.

  • big m 11 years ago


  • DAN 11 years ago

    use you brain for something beside a hat rack